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jQuery Datatable, resize col width by UI

I am deciding what jquery plug-in to use, DataTable or jqGrid.

I made a big search but can not find the answer. Is it possible in DataTable UI to resize column width by mouse, as it is made in jqGrid?

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Yury Avatar asked Oct 11 '22 17:10


2 Answers

I wouldn't let the resizable issue stop you, it's on the way: http://datatables.net/forums/discussion/1676/x

Datatables is far and away the most featured, well written, and best supported grid solution out there, and I've probably either used or researched them all. Just the Ajax options alone make it more powerful than its next nearest competitor. While you're waiting for resizing, get it fully working and get all the features in that you want.

I was thinking I needed resizing too, but found with intelligent UI planning that it really wasn't at all missed. My clients LOVE the sorting, paging, ajax load, etc, and I love the fact that it's fully integrated with ThemeRoller so I can rebrand an app in just minutes.

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bpeterson76 Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 03:10


I see the question is older, but as I got here just after finding my solution for that, I`m posting what I found working.

It is possible in DataTables to resize the columns with mouse with the ColReorderWithResize plugin. Example and download on their site in 3rd party section: https://datatables.net/extras/thirdparty/ColReorderWithResize/

Edit: Found in the forums is also discussed about this plugin...

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Vasil Popov Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10

Vasil Popov