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jQuery colorbox : How can I change the position of the colorbox

By default the colorbox appears centered both vertically and horizontally on the screen. Is there a way to change that, for example to 10% from top vertically and centered horizontally?

like image 787
mike23 Avatar asked Jul 28 '10 13:07


2 Answers

This will override the top position, and you can do the same with left etc:

#colorbox { top: 100px !important; }

10% from top would be trickier, you'd have to implement your own positioning logic in an onload callback everytime the colorbox is shown, or extend colorbox's code, but no quick way to do that.


Colorbox now has a built-in option to do this:

$("a").colorbox({ top: 100, left: "50%" })


If you're not bound to colorbox, I highly recommend using qTip2.
Far better position handling (jQuery UI style), cleaner HTML output and easier IE<8 support.

like image 115
Razor Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 05:10


I had to override colorbox position on the fly and found the following solution :

In jquery.colorbox.js, the publicMethod.position function use a cached version of settings. To modify settings.left/top on the fly, we need to use the object settings property. To achieve this, we need to replace settings.top/left by this.settings.top/left within the function (ln 499):

 if(typeof this.settings!="undefined"){
 if (settings.right !== false) {...

Now, we can change object position :

like image 31
Tanguy Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 05:10
