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jQuery: clone elements AND events

Whenever I use ajax to dynamically create new content, .clone(), append() etc, the new element looses any triggers and events I programmed =(

After making copy, simple things that WORK on other elements like adding a class to , on the copied elements no longer work. Any new ajax content does not work. Command buttons no longer work. What can I do?

I am cloning this HTML, and the command buttons no longer work. Styling the span elements no longer work on the CLONED elements:

<div name="shows" id="x"><br/> <!-- The ID depends on the database-->
    <div name="shows" id="x">
        ID: <input disabled="disabled" size="7" value="x" name="id" />
        <select name="status" >
          <option selected="selected" >Display</option>
          <option >Hide</option>
        <span class="required" id="date_txt">*Date: </span><input type="text" value="" name="date" />
        <span class="required" id="title_txt">*Title: </span><input type="text" size="65" value="" name="title" />
        <span class="required" id="venue_txt">*Venue: </span><input type="text" size="45" value="" name="venue" />
        Telephone: <input type="text" value="" name="tel" />
        URL: <input type="text" size="100" value="" name="url" />
        Address: <input type="text" size="45" value="" name="address" />
        <span class="required" id="city_txt">*City: </span><input type="text" value="" name="city" />
        State: <input type="text" value="" name="state" />
        ZIP: <input type="text" value="" name="zip" />
        <span id="country_txt">*Country: </span><input type="text" value="United States" name="country" />
        <br/>Comments: <br/>
        <textarea cols="80" rows="8" name="comments" ></textarea>
    <!-- START OF:commands  -->
    <div id="commands" >
        <button name="edit" id="edit" >Edit</button> 
        <button name="delete" id="delete" >Delete</button>
    <br />
    <hr />
    <br />
    <!-- END OF:commands  -->
<!-- END OF:new -->

New comments added, 11/03/2011:

OK, I figured out the problem and I had an error on my jQuery. Now, when I add .clone( true ) ALMOST everything works.

My new problem is the UI datepicker. After cloning the HTML, when I click on the newly cloned date field, the focus goes to the (old) datefield the data was cloned from. More over, if I select a date, the value goes to the old datefield -Not the newly cloned datefield.

Here is my ajax code (After a successful submition):

UI datepicker code:

$("input[name='date']").datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, numberOfMonths: 3, showButtonPanel: true});


    ...ajax code...
var $msg = eval(data);
if( $msg[0] == 1 )
        $id = '#'+$msg[1];
        $data = $("#new");
    $new = $data.clone(true);

        $new.attr("id", $id);
        $new.children('[name="id"]').attr("value", $id);
        $new.children(":input").each(function() { var $value = $(this).val(); $(this).attr("value", $value); });
        $new.prepend( "<br/>" );

        $commands = $("#blank").children("#commands").clone(true);
        $commands.children("#add").attr("pk", $id);
        $commands.children("#add").attr("name", "update");
        $commands.children("#add").attr("id", "update");

        $commands.children("#reset").attr("pk", $id);
        $commands.children("#reset").attr("name", "delete");
        $commands.children("#reset").attr("id", "delete");

        $new.append( $commands );

        $("#blank").slideUp(2500, function(){
        $("#ADDNEW").html("&#9658; New:");
        //$("#blank").clone().prependTo( $("#active") );
        //$("#blank").prependTo( "#active" );

        $("#active").slideUp("slow", function(){
        $("#ON").html("&#9658; Active:");
        $("#active").prepend( $new );

        $("#active").slideDown(8500, function(){
        $("#ON").html("&#9660; Active:");

        $("#blank").slideDown(3500, function(){
        $("#ADDNEW").html("&#9660; New:");

        }); //end: anumation.#blank.slideDown
        }); //end: anumation.#active.slideDown
        }); //end: anumation.#blank.slideUp
        }); //end: anumation.#active.slideUp

        //$("#new").fadeOut(2000, function(){
        //START: blank
        //alert( $("#blank").html() );
        //$dad = $("#new");
        //$dad.children('input[name!="id"][name!="country"], textarea').val('');
        //$dad.children('[name="country"]').val("United States");
        //END: blank
        //$("#new").fadeIn(2000, function(){
        //alert( $msg );
        //}); //end: anumation.fadeIn
        //}); //end: anumation.fadeOut
        } //end: if
        //var varMSG = data;
        //alert( "Hello" );
        alert( $msg );

        //$("#add").attr("disabled", false);
        //$("#reset").attr("disabled", false);
        } //end: if.else
    }//end: $.post.function
); //END:$.post
like image 971
Omar Avatar asked Nov 03 '11 01:11


People also ask

Do events also get copied when you clone an element in jQuery?

Well the default implementation of the clone() method doesn't copy events unless you tell the clone() method to copy the events. The clone() method takes a parameter, if you pass true then it will copy the events as well.

How do you clone an object in jQuery?

To clone an element using jQuery, use the jQuery. clone() method. The clone() method clones matched DOM Elements and select the clones. This is useful for moving copies of the elements to another location in the DOM.

How does jQuery clone work?

The . clone() method performs a deep copy of the set of matched elements, meaning that it copies the matched elements as well as all of their descendant elements and text nodes.

1 Answers

.clone( true ) does the trick.

Documentation: http://api.jquery.com/clone/

like image 50
Šime Vidas Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 00:10

Šime Vidas