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jquery click only firing once



From looking at other posts I've tried to add live() and on() to my code but the click function only works once and then wont work anymore. Can someone point out what I'm doing wrong. Here is my latest code:

<script language="javascript">
//Used to delete a step from the database after confirming with user
    $(".delete_it").on('click',function() {
    var answer = confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this step?');
    if (answer){
          var data = {
              'hospid': '<? echo $hospid; ?>',
              "step_id" : $(this).parent().attr("name")
                function (data) {
                    if (data.success) {
                        setTimeout(function () {
                        }, 5000);
                    } else {
                        alert('not done');
                }, "json");

Apologies, here is the html

<div id="body-wrapper">
  <?php include_once(getBasePath()."site_hospital_files/elements/navbar.php"); ?>
  <div id="main-content">
    <div class="content-box">
      <div class="content-box-header">
        <h3>Progress Steps</h3>
      <div class="content-box-content">
        <div class="msg-status div_message" id="success_message">New step added successfully!</div>
        <div class="msg-status div_message" id="success_message1">New List Order Updated!</div>
        <div class="msg-status div_message" id="success_message2">Step Deleted!</div>
        <div id="non-grid">
          <form method="post" name="upload_form" id="upload_form">
            <fieldset style="height:100px;  margin-left:25px; margin-top:15px; background-color:#FFF;">
              <legend style="padding:2px;">Add a Step</legend>
              <div class="column-left" style="width:50%;">
                <label class="space">Step Name</label>
                <input class="text-input tall-input required alnum" type="text" id="step_add" name="step_add" style="width:90%;"/>
              <div class="column-left" style="width:20%; padding-top:25px;">
                <input type="hidden" name="hosp" id="hosp" value="<? echo $hospid; ?>"/>
                <input type="submit" id="snd_upload" name="snd_upload" value="Submit Step" class='button'  />
          <form name="delete_form" method="post" id="delete_form">
            <fieldset style="height:100%;  margin-left:25px; margin-top:15px; background-color:#FFF;">
              <legend style="padding:2px;">List of Steps</legend>
              <h3>Drag and Drop to Change Step Order</h3>
              <input type="hidden" name="hosp" id="hosp" value="<? echo $hospid; ?>"/>
              <div id="step_list">
              <? echo $step_list ?>
    <div class="clear"></div>
    <div id="footer">&#169; Copyright 2012  Inc. | <a href="#">Top</a></div>

Okay, second edit, I think I'm starting to understand the problem here. Here is the php that is generating my list. And the element I'm clicking on is buried in the container. I don't wish to click the entire container, just the image inside. Is that possible? Thanks for all the advice so far. I'm learning....

function getSteps($dbh, $hospid)
    $sql1 = $dbh->prepare('
    FROM progress_steps
    WHERE hospital_id = :hospid
    $sql1->bindValue('hospid', $hospid);
    $num_rows = $sql1->fetchcolumn();

    $sql = $dbh->prepare('
    SELECT * 
    FROM progress_steps
    WHERE hospital_id = :hospid
    ORDER BY step_number
    $sql->bindValue('hospid', $hospid);
    if ($num_rows > 0) {
        $steps_table = '';
        $isOdd           = true;
        while (($row = $sql->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) !== false) {
            $steps_table .= "<div class='hover_hand' name='$row[step_id]' id='item_$row[step_id]'><div style='float:left' class='delete_it'><img src='../images/delete_icon.gif'></div> <div style='float:left' class='middle_text'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$row[step_name]</div><input type='hidden' name='itemid[]' value='$row[step_id]'/></div>";
     } else {
        $steps_table = '';
            $steps_table .= "<div>You need to add steps.</div>";
    return $steps_table;
like image 226
Dev Newb Avatar asked Dec 02 '12 17:12

Dev Newb

3 Answers

I am assuming (by your code) that the .delete_it item is inside the #step_list element.

So when you replace its html with the ajax results you remove the bound handlers as well..

You need to bind the handler to an element up in the DOM hierarchy that does not get removed, for example the #step_list itself..

So change the binding from

$(".delete_it").on('click',function() {


$("#step_list").on('click','.delete_it', function() {
like image 146
Gabriele Petrioli Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 05:11

Gabriele Petrioli

It's hard to see from here. Would you mind sharing the HTML? Without knowing what the data.success contains doesn't make it easy also. Does the .html(data.success) affect the delete buttons in any way?

And are you sure you did the .live() right?



I might be able to help if you could provide more info.

like image 3
Wap Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 03:11


Events are bound to DOM nodes. If the DOM which you are binding to is removed the associated event will likely be removed too. You can fix this or you can make use of the "bubbling up" nature of DOM events. For example, say my HTML was this:

<div id="container">
  <div class="item delete_me_on_click"></div>
  <div class="item delete_me_on_click"></div>
  <div class="item delete_me_on_click"></div>

What I could do is bind to the #container or to document to listen to any click event and inspect the event's target to see if I want to take action. An example of that for the above HTML:

$('#container').on('click', function (event) {
    var target = $(event.target);
    if (target.hasClass('delete_me')) {

Which is the same as:

$('#container').on('click', '.delete_me', function (event) {

Or I can even listen on the document level:

$(document).on('click', '.delete_me', function (event) {

​Here is a working example: http://jsfiddle.net/Kcapv/

Note that event.stopPropagation() if used on a child node will stop the event bubbling up so if you try this approach you need to be careful to watch for use of stopPropagation.

like image 2
Cymen Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 03:11
