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jquery .click() event.preventDefault() not working

I'm building a web application that is extendable by dropping scripts into a preset directory. The script needs to read file headers before going to a page, so I need to use .preventDefault() when links are clicked and run some JScript first. Unfortunately I can't get past the .preventDefault()

Here's my link format:

<a href="path/to/file.php" class="filelink">Some Text</a>

here's the jquery I'm trying to use to stop the default action:

    $( '.filelink' ).click( function( e ) {
        //do some other stuff here


More Info:

The <script>...</script> is in my footer. This function is INSIDE $(document).ready AFTER a $.ajax call that builds the list of links this function is trying to listen for clicks of.

like image 355
KingRichard Avatar asked Jan 09 '15 23:01


3 Answers

Since your links are appended dynamically to the page, you need to use document.on() to capture the click events.

the syntax for appending event listeners to dynamic content is as follows

$(document).on( event, selector, callback );

so your click handler would become:



 //code here

 return false;

like image 83
r3wt Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 14:11


I think you missed $(document).ready()

Please update your code as following:

     $( '.filelink' ).click( function( e ) {
        //do some other stuff here

like image 31
Mouhamad Kawas Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 13:11

Mouhamad Kawas

is your code surrounded by:


//your code here


? or


//your code here


? , because you should wait until the <a></a> element is ready before adding your click listener to it. try the code above or place your code at the bottom of the html right before the </body> tag or just right after the <a></a> element. that should work

EDIT: since your links are added dynamically call your $( '.filelink' ).click() function right after they are added

like image 3
Santiago Hernández Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 13:11

Santiago Hernández