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Jquery Click Event Not Firing On First Click, but does on second click, why?

I've got a jQuery code, which

$("a.reply").click(function() {

When I click the link with .reply class the first time, nothing happens. The second time I click, the code inside the click function works.

The link is being inserted on the page using PHP from a mysql database. so it's not being inserted dynamically.

Why is this happening? Any solution?

The BadASS Code:

//TextArea Max Width
var textmaxwidth = $('#wrapper').css('width');
//Initialize Focus ids To Different Initially
var oldcommentid = -1;
var newcommentid = -2;
//End Of initialization

$("a.reply").click(function() {
        newcommentid = $(this).attr('id');
        if (newcommentid == oldcommentid)
        $('#comment_form').fadeOut(0, function(){$(this).remove()});
        var commetformcode = $('<form id="comment_form" action="post_comment.php" method="post"><textarea name="comment_body" id="comment_body" class="added_comment_body" rows="2"></textarea> <input type="hidden" name="parent_id" id="parent_id" value="0"/> <div id="submit_button"> <input type="submit" value="Share"/><input type="button" id="cancelbutton" value="Cancel"/></div></form>');
        var id = $(this).attr("id");
        $("#parent_id").attr("value", id);
        //dynamicformcreation function

        return false;

        function dynarun()
        //Form Re-Run Functions
        $("#comment_form input, select, button").uniform();
        return false;
        //TextArea Resizer Function
        function textareasizer(){$("#comment_body").css('max-width', textmaxwidth);return false;}
        //Other Miscellaneous Functions
        function(event) {
        function(event) {

        function texthover()
            function(event) {
            function(event) {
        return false;
like image 700
Hirvesh Avatar asked Feb 19 '11 10:02


People also ask

Why click function is not working in jQuery?

Be sure there is nothing on your button (such a div or a trasparent img) that keeps from clicking the button. It sounds stupid, but sometimes we think that jQuery is not working and all that stuffs and the problem is on the positioning of DOM elements. or, for example, z-index!

How do you trigger an event on click?

The HTMLElement. click() method simulates a mouse click on an element. When click() is used with supported elements (such as an <input> ), it fires the element's click event. This event then bubbles up to elements higher in the document tree (or event chain) and fires their click events.

How can set click event in jQuery?

To trigger the onclick function in jQuery, click() method is used. For example, on clicking a paragraph on a document, a click event will be triggered by the $(“p”). click() method. The user can attach a function to a click method whenever an event of a click occurs to run the function.

Why do I have to click twice JavaScript?

That's because you're registering an event listener on every click! So your listener executes once more every time you click.

2 Answers

This is a longshot, but are you running some sort of tracking script? Like webtrends or coremetrics (or even some of your own script, that's globally looking for all clicks)? I ran into a similar problem a while ago, where the initial-click was being captured by coremetrics. Just a thought.

like image 193
TNC Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 11:10


Does it still happen if you comment out all your code and simply have an alert("hi") inside the click function?


I think Sarfaz has the right idea, but I would use the document ready function like so

  $("a.reply").click(function() {
like image 28
Chris Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 11:10
