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jQuery Cleditor get textarea value on keyup

I'm using Cleditor http://premiumsoftware.net/cleditor/docs/GettingStarted.html. I want to get the value on keyup and insert the text into another div. cleditor comes with change() event that i'm currently using in the jsfiddle example below, but thats not the same as keyup. I want the div to be updated as i'm typing in. I tried keyup but it doesn't work.

Here's what i have now

    var v = $('#input').val();

Check jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/qm4G6/11/

like image 718
Pinkie Avatar asked Oct 15 '11 23:10


2 Answers

It appears that cleditor hides the textarea and replaces it with an iframe (see line 203 of cleditor source).

So to achieve what you want, you just need to access the resulting iframe contents:


$(".cleditorMain iframe").contents().find('body').bind('keyup', function(){
    var v = $(this).text(); // or .html() if desired

Updated jsFiddle

UPDATE to address Tim's comment

This works in Chrome and Firefox (I don't have access to IE):


$( $(".cleditorMain iframe")[0].contentWindow.document ).bind('keyup', function(){
    var v = $(this).text(); // or .html() if desired

Updated jsFiddle


User ima007 was able to find a better cross-browser solution: jQuery Cleditor wysiwyg text editor: keyup() works in webkit browsers but not Firefox or IE

like image 92
dgilland Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 17:10


I was able to achieve this by slightly modifying the source code of the editor - in refresh method (line 801) I modified the blur event handler of iframe doc.


// Update the textarea when the iframe loses focus
    ($.browser.mozilla ? $doc : $(contentWindow)).blur(function() {
      updateTextArea(editor, true);

Modified to

// Update the textarea when the iframe loses focus or keyup happens
        ($.browser.mozilla ? $doc : $(contentWindow)).bind('blur keyup', function (e) {
            updateTextArea(editor, true);

            if (options.keyup && e.type === 'keyup')

and in the options that are passed at the time of initialisation, you can define

keyup : function (text) {
 // do something

Hope this helps anyone.


like image 31
saarthak Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 17:10
