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jQuery callback on image load (even when the image is cached)

People also ask

Does jQuery wait for images to load?

In jQuery when you do this: $(function() { alert("DOM is loaded, but images not necessarily all loaded"); }); It waits for the DOM to load and executes your code. If all the images are not loaded then it still executes the code.

How check image is loaded or not in jQuery?

To check if an image is loaded successful or not, you can combine the use of jQuery 'load()' and 'error()' event : $('#image1') . load(function(){ $('#result1'). text('Image is loaded!

Is jQuery load asynchronous?

From what I know, the load event will always fire asynchronously, except if the image is already cached (in some browsers). The only reliable solution is to put the code in a callback like you did.

If the src is already set, then the event is firing in the cached case, before you even get the event handler bound. To fix this, you can loop through checking and triggering the event based off .complete, like this:

$("img").one("load", function() {
  // do stuff
}).each(function() {
  if(this.complete) {
      $(this).load(); // For jQuery < 3.0 
      // $(this).trigger('load'); // For jQuery >= 3.0 

Note the change from .bind() to .one() so the event handler doesn't run twice.

Can I suggest that you reload it into a non-DOM image object? If it's cached, this will take no time at all, and the onload will still fire. If it isn't cached, it will fire the onload when the image is loaded, which should be the same time as the DOM version of the image finishes loading.


$(document).ready(function() {
    var tmpImg = new Image() ;
    tmpImg.src = $('#img').attr('src') ;
    tmpImg.onload = function() {
        // Run onload code.
    } ;
}) ;

Updated (to handle multiple images and with correctly ordered onload attachment):

$(document).ready(function() {
    var imageLoaded = function() {
        // Run onload code.
    $('#img').each(function() {
        var tmpImg = new Image() ;
        tmpImg.onload = imageLoaded ;
        tmpImg.src = $(this).attr('src') ;
    }) ;
}) ;

My simple solution, it doesn't need any external plugin and for common cases should be enough:

 * Trigger a callback when the selected images are loaded:
 * @param {String} selector
 * @param {Function} callback
var onImgLoad = function(selector, callback){
        if (this.complete || /*for IE 10-*/ $(this).height() > 0) {
        else {
            $(this).on('load', function(){

use it like this:

onImgLoad('img', function(){
    // do stuff

for example, to fade in your images on load you can do:

onImgLoad('img', function(){

Or as alternative, if you prefer a jquery plugin-like approach:

 * Trigger a callback when 'this' image is loaded:
 * @param {Function} callback
    $.fn.imgLoad = function(callback) {
        return this.each(function() {
            if (callback) {
                if (this.complete || /*for IE 10-*/ $(this).height() > 0) {
                else {
                    $(this).on('load', function(){

and use it in this way:

    // do stuff

for example:


Do you really have to do it with jQuery? You can attach the onload event directly to your image as well;

<img src="/path/to/image.jpg" onload="doStuff(this);" />

It will fire every time the image has loaded, from cache or not.