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jQuery blur should not fire if div is clicked/focused





I have a standard text input that has a blur event. The blur event should fire when anything in the document is clicked (other than the input AND <div id='show-anyways'></div>).

My problem is that I don't know how to add the <div id='show-anyways'></div> to negate the blur event function.

Hopefully I have explained myself well enough, I know it's kinda a weird situation. Please let me know if you need more info.

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sadmicrowave Avatar asked Jun 23 '12 22:06


2 Answers

Use the event target to determine what is clicked. Following will track all clicks on document and not trigger blur() if element is the DIV or the Input.

var $input=$( '#MY-Input-ID');

   var $tgt=$(evt.target);
   if( !$tgt.is( '#show-anyways') && !$tgt.is($input) ){

It will not trigger on elements that have any preventPropogation set up.

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charlietfl Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 23:10


UPDATE: had to completely rewrite my solution. The blur event handler is attached to the event that loses focus: if it was similar to mouseout event, we could know which element will get the focus, but there's no such luck. So we have to resort capturing .click events instead - and trigger some function based on it, instead of listening to blur events.

var inputIsBlurred = function() { 
   console.log('Run away!!!');
  var $target = $(e.target);
  if ($target.is('#some_input') // fired by an input - no special effects
      || $target.is('#show-anyways') // fired by 'show-anyways' div
      || $target.parents('#show-anyways').length > 0 // ... or its children
  ) {
      return true; // move along, nothing to do here

Here's a fiddle to play with. Sorry for that confusion caused by my original answer. (

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raina77ow Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 23:10
