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jQuery and Prototype Selector Madness

Both the jQuery and Prototpye JavaScript libraries refuse to allow me to use a variable to select an list item element by index number although they accept a hard coded number.

For example, in Prototype this works:


But this will not work no matter how I try to cast the variable as a number or integer:


In jQuery I get similar weirdness. This will work:


But this will not work again even though the value of currentPage is 5 and its type is number:


I'm trying to create a JavaScript pagination system and I need to set the class on the active page button. The list item elements are created dynamically depending upon the number of pages I need.

like image 438
rsrobbins Avatar asked Jan 24 '23 03:01


1 Answers

Are you certain that currentPage is an integer? Try something like:

var currentPage = 5;

as a simple sanity check. If that works, you should try casting to Integer.

like image 131
John Millikin Avatar answered Jan 30 '23 11:01

John Millikin