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jQuery and mobile browser compatibility?


I want to build a relatively simple version of my site for mobile phones, but I will definitely need JavaScript and jQuery for many functions.

Googling didn't help to find an answer. How is compatibility of jQuery with popular browsers in mobile phones?

I am talking for smartphones. For example, the default browsers for these platforms

  • Windows Mobile 6+
  • Android 1.5+
  • iPhone 3G

and let's add Opera Mobile.

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fractalbit Avatar asked Feb 09 '10 23:02


People also ask

Is jQuery Mobile supported?

jQuery Mobile is no longer supported.

Does jQuery Mobile depend on jQuery?

However, jQuery Mobile is a full framework which is built on jQuery and jQuery UI foundation. It makes use of features of both jQuery and jQueryUI to provide both UI components and API features for building mobile-friendly sites.

Is jQuery supported by all browsers?

Cross-browser compatibility — jQuery supports older browsers which do not do well with modern tools, frameworks or libraries. jQuery-powered applications work well on all browsers.

Why jQuery is not working in mobile?

It's possible the mobile browser might not be able to recover from these errors, but a desktop one can. You can find these errors in the JavaScript Console. For Chrome you can open it in a couple ways: Use the keyboard shortcut Command - Option - J (Mac) or Control -Shift -J (Windows/Linux).

2 Answers

jQuery should work fine on at least the Android and iPhone web browsers (don't know about WinMo), as they fully support JavaScript and are for the most part standards compliant.

If you expand a little bit on which specific features of jQuery you're using, I or others can give a better answer here.

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Roman Nurik Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Roman Nurik

The jQuery Mobile framework uses jQuery and has support for many mobile platforms. All browsers that jQuery Mobile works on should be passing the jQuery test suite.

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dave1010 Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 14:09
