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jQuery add required to input fields

People also ask

How can we make input field mandatory in jQuery?

$("input"). attr("required", "true");

How do you make a field mandatory in JavaScript?

Required attribute: If you want to make an input mandatory to be entered by the user, you can use the required attribute. This attribute can be used with any input type such as email, URL, text, file, password, checkbox, radio, etc. This can help to make any input field mandatory.

How do you know if input is required?

Use the required property to check if an element is required, e.g. if (element. required) {} . The required property returns true when the element is required, otherwise false is returned. Here is the HTML for the examples in this article.

Is jQuery required?

You might not need jQuery. jQuery and its cousins are great, and by all means use them if it makes it easier to develop your application. If you're developing a library on the other hand, please take a moment to consider if you actually need jQuery as a dependency.



You can do it by using attr, the mistake that you made is that you put the true inside quotes. instead of that try this:

$("input").attr("required", true);

I have found that the following implementations are effective:


$('#freeform_first_name').attr('required', 'required');

These commands (attr, removeAttr, prop) behave differently depending on the version of JQuery you are using. Please reference the documentation here: https://api.jquery.com/attr/

Using .attr method

.attr(attribute,value); // syntax

.attr("required", true);
// required="required"

.attr("required", false);

Using .prop

.prop(property,value) // syntax

.prop("required", true);
// required=""

.prop("required", false);

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