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jQuery 1.8 find event handlers

How to find event handlers on an object in jQuery 1.8+?

var func = function(){ alert(1); };
var obj = $('#obj');
obj.on("click", func);
// obj.data('events') is undefined
like image 745
Eddie Avatar asked Aug 31 '12 11:08


2 Answers

Use the data function as is done by jQuery internally.

On previous versions, you could call it like for other data :


In jQuery 1.8, this direct access was removed, so in recent versions you must call it like this :

$._data(obj[0], "events")

You can see it in action by opening the console in this fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/8TpeP/2/

like image 173
Denys Séguret Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 22:01

Denys Séguret

to find event handlers of an element in jQuery 1.8+ you've got to do this way:

$._data($("YOUR-SELECTOR-HERE").get(0), "events")

like image 43
gigaDIE Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 22:01
