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jqGrid - How to remove the page selection on the pager but keep the buttons?

You can use my following JqGrid option to disable RED zone from JqGrid. It should be the best way to solve this question because you don't need to hack JqGrid rendering via CSS style sheet that be caused of problem if JqGrid change pattern for generating pager or you change pager id.

    rowList: [],        // disable page size dropdown
    pgbuttons: false,     // disable page control like next, back button
    pgtext: null,         // disable pager text like 'Page 0 of 10'
    viewrecords: false    // disable current view record text like 'View 1-10 of 100' 

You could apply a CSS style to hide it...?

#pager1_center {
    visibility: hidden;

There are also options like pgbuttons and recordtext that settings in the init might cause that part not to render any HTML.

jQuery("#grid_id").jqGrid({pgbuttons:false, recordtext: ''});

Using this will remove the paging/view records area with buttons and everything.

            pginput: false,
            pgbuttons: false,
            viewrecords: false,