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jq parsing get value [closed]


I need to get some values from a json file. I need to get a array (dimmer1, dimmer2)

Somebody any idea?

{  "devices": {     "dimmer1": {       "protocol": ["kaku_dimmer"],       "state": "off",       "dimlevel": 1     },     "dimmer2": {       "protocol": ["kaku_dimmer"],       "state": "off",       "dimlevel": 1     } } 
like image 321
user3467696 Avatar asked Apr 01 '15 10:04


People also ask

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If you want to strip the quotes, just pipe the output from this command to tr -d '"' . @hd1, that's only true if there aren't literal quotes. If someone's name is "Mack \"The Knife\" Smith" , you want it to change to Mack "The Knife" Smith , not Mack The Knife Smith .

What is jq JSON?

jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor. If you are a command line addict, you will like the official description. jq is like sed for JSON data – you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text.

What is jq in shell script?

So, to implement bash shell scripts using REST APIs, you must know how to parse the response of REST API (that is, parse JSON data). Jq is a program developed to filter JSON data. You can consider Jq like sed, awk, or grep program but designed specifically for filtering JSON data.

1 Answers

EDIT: After clarification in the comments, to retrieve the states of devices whose key begins with "dimmer", use

jq '[ .devices | to_entries[] | select(.key | startswith("dimmer")) | .value = .value.state ] | from_entries' filename.json 


{   "dimmer1": "off",   "dimmer2": "off" } 

This works as follows:

  • .devices selects the .devices attribute of the JSON object
  • to_entries explodes the object into an array of key-value pairs describing its attributes (the devices), which is to say that an attribute "foo": "bar" becomes an object { "key": "foo", "value": "bar" }, and the exploded object is expanded into an array of such objects (one for each attribute)
  • to_entries[] unpacks that array, in order to pipe it through
  • select(.key | startswith("dimmer")), which selects of the devices those whose key begins with dimmer
  • .value = .value.state restructures the key-value pair that describes the device so that the value is replaced with just its state attribute
  • [ all that ] makes a JSON array of all that, and
  • [ all that ] | from_entries converts the array of key-value pairs back to JSON objects.

Old answer (shortened), now obsolete but possibly of interest:

To retrieve the keys of the attributes of devices in an array:

jq '.devices | keys' filename.json 

To retrieve the values (also in an array),

jq '[ .devices[] ]' filename.json 

I wasn't entirely sure which of those two you meant.

like image 116
Wintermute Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10
