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JPA named query match a list of tuples in IN clause

spring data jpa 1.4.3 with Oracle 11g.

I have an entity like this:

class LinkRecord {
  String value;
  int linkType;

I am using (value, linkType) as a composite index. For a given list of (v, t) tuples, we need to select all the records in the DB so that value = v, linkType = t.

Basically, I want to build this query:

SELECT * FROM LINK_RECORD WHERE (VALUE, LINK_TYPE) IN (('value1', 0), ('value2', 25), ...)

where the list in the IN clause is passed in as a param.

Since we're working with a large volume of data, it would be very undesirable to query for the tuples one by one.

In my repository I've tried this:

@Query("select r from LinkRecord r where (r.value, r.linkType) in :keys")
List<LinkRecord> findByValueAndType(@Param("keys")List<List<Object>> keys);

where keys is a list of (lists of length 2). This gets me ORA_00920: invalid relational operator.

Is there any way to make this work using a named query? Or do I have to resort to native sql?

like image 288
pyy Avatar asked May 23 '14 15:05


1 Answers

The answer is too late, but maybe some1 else has the same problem. This is one of my working examples. Here I need to search for all entries that match a given composite key:

The entity....

    @NamedQuery(name = "Article.findByIdAndAccessId", query = "SELECT a FROM Article a WHERE a.articlePk IN (:articlePks) ORDER BY a.articlePk.article")
@Table(name = "ARTICLE")
public class Article implements Serializable
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private ArticlePk articlePk = new ArticlePk();

    @Column(name = "art_amount")
    private Float amount;

    @Column(name = "art_unit")
    private String unit;

    public Article()

    //more code

The PK class....

public class ArticlePk implements Serializable
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    @Column(name = "art_article")
    private String article;

    @Column(name = "art_acc_identifier")
    private Long identifier;

    public ArticlePk()

    public ArticlePk(String article, Long identifier)
        this.article = article;
        this.identifier = identifier;

    public boolean equals(Object other)
        if (this == other)
            return true;
        if (!(other instanceof ArticlePk))
            return false;

        ArticlePk castOther = (ArticlePk)other;
        return this.article.equals(castOther.article) && this.identifier.equals(castOther.identifier);

    public int hashCode()
        final int prime = 31;
        int hash = 17;
        hash = hash * prime + this.article.hashCode();
        hash = hash * prime + this.identifier.hashCode();

        return hash;

    //more code

Invocation by....

TypedQuery<Article> queryArticle = entityManager.createNamedQuery("Article.findByIdAndAccessId", Article.class);
queryArticle.setParameter("articlePks", articlePks);
List<Article> articles = queryArticle.getResultList();


articlePks is List<ArticlePk>.

like image 199
Bevor Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11
