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JPA ManyToMany unidirectional relationship

Lets say we have two Entities, Entity Node and Entity Cluster. A Cluster has many Nodes. A Node can belong to multiple Cluster. So in Cluster there is a @ManyToMany annotation. However Node is unaware of any Cluster it belongs to (intentional).

When I delete a Cluster I want to keep all the Nodes (in future I may add those Nodes to another Cluster) it had. So I don't need Cascade.DELETE. But If I delete a Node, all the Cluster it belonged to should be updated (the Node will be removed from them).

What is the best way to handle this using JPA ?

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dumb_terminal Avatar asked May 12 '16 11:05


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2 Answers

I am way too late to this thread, but I had similar issues with Spring Boot 2.4. I had 2 ManyToMany unidirectional relationships from the parent entity to the same child entity.

I would end up getting 1 or 2 less entity relationships saved in the join table.

Then I realized that I had missed out on the most basic thing for an entity/pojo - overriding the hashCode and equals method!

Once I added those, Hibernate started to behave as expected.

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sunitkatkar Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 05:10


In fact in a unidirectional relationship, you can specify the holder entity of the relationship using joinColumn="clusterId" property in the @ManyToMany annotation in the `Cluster class.

This is how should be your code:

public class Cluster {

    //Id and properties

    @ManyToMany(cascade = {CascadeType.ALL})
    private Set<Node> nodes = new HashSet<Node>();

    // Getter and Setter methods

For further reading please take a look at :

Hibernate @ManyToMany Unidirectional and Bidirectional

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cнŝdk Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 05:10
