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JPA CriteriaBuilder value like column

I'm trying to create a query using CriteriaBuilder where I need to have a predicate where the value of the predicate is like the value in the database.

Basically, I need to be able to do the following: WHERE myTestValue LIKE columnValue

In native queries, it is an option to do that, but using the CriteriaBuilder or NamedQueries, it does not seem to work.

String myValue = "foo@bar.com";
cb.where(cb.like(myValue, root.get(Entity_.email));

Is there an option in JPA to do it like this? Or should I fall back to native queries?

EDIT I need to be able to check if a given value matches a wildcard entry in database. So the database has a record %@bar.com%, and I need to check if my given value foo@bar.com matches to that record.

like image 240
Erates Avatar asked Mar 09 '23 20:03


1 Answers

I think your params should be other way round:


Aditionally you may need to use add this to the second param:

like image 167
Maciej Kowalski Avatar answered Mar 19 '23 21:03

Maciej Kowalski