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Jongo vs (DBObject)JSON.parse

I'm trying to figure out the advantage of Jongo over simply unmarshalling the json command using (DBObject)JSON.parse(...) and using the DBObject in the below fashion.

Is there a performance advantage?

public List<T> getEntityList(Integer limit, String query) throws Exception {
    log.entering(DaoImpl.class.toString(), "getEntityList, with criteria of " + query);
    DBObject criteriaObject = null;
    ArrayList<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();

    if (query != null)
        criteriaObject = (DBObject)JSON.parse(query);

    DBCursor cursor = null;

    try {
        if (criteriaObject != null) {
            log.log(Level.FINEST, "getting the objects using a search criteria: " + criteriaObject);
            cursor = MongoDB.getInstance().getCollection(collection).find(criteriaObject);
        } else {
            log.log(Level.FINEST, "getting the objects without a criteria");
            cursor = MongoDB.getInstance().getCollection(collection).find();

        ............etc, etc, etc


like image 906
Vladimir Avatar asked Oct 22 '22 19:10


2 Answers

Jongo .3 unmarshalls Mongo query with the same JSON.parse(query). The advantage is the way you get the results from the database. In your example, you have to iterate through a cursor, adapting every property and sub property by yourself.

DBObject dbo = JSON.parse("{age: 18}");
DBCursor results = users.find(dbo);
for (DBObject result : results) {
    User user = new User();
    user.setUsername((String) result.get("username"));
    user.setAge((Integer) result.get("age"));
    user.setAddress(new Address(..));

With Jongo you directly manipulate objects:

Iterable<User> users = collection.find("{age: 18}").as(User.class);

Jongo's performance is nearly equal to the driver's.

like image 121
yves amsellem Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 06:11

yves amsellem

Here is a list of few advantages to use jongo:

  • Almost all queries can be templated :

    friends.find("{name:#, age:#}", "Joe", 18)
  • Binded parameters can be BSON Primitives or any complex type :

    friends.find("{address: #}", new Address(..)); 
  • Querying and unmarshalling is as fast as the driver. No Jackson process extra cost
  • Use Jackson features to map you Pojo: polymorphism, JsonView...

BTW your GSON un/marshaller can be integrated into Jongo by implementing a Mapper.

like image 39
Benoît Guérout Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 07:11

Benoît Guérout