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joint.js trigger drag start on a new cloned element




How can I trigger pointerdown/dragstart on a cloned joint element in joint js? toolBoxPointerDown is triggered when pointerdown event is fired on toolbox paper. addNode is triggered when pointerup event is fired on _this.paperDrag.

var toolBoxPointerDown = function(cell, event) {
        _this.action = 'addNode';
        _this.clone = cell.model.clone(), _this.cloneBbox = cell.getBBox();

        _this.clone.set("position", {
            x: cell.model.attributes.position.x,
            y: cell.model.attributes.position.y 
        }), _this.paperDrag.addCell(_this.clone), _this.paperDrag.setDimensions("100%", "100%");

            left: 0,
            top: 0


    var addNode = function(node, position) {
        var celltoAdd = _this.clone.clone();
        celltoAdd.set('position', { x: _this.clone.get('position').x - $('.toolbox').width(), y: _this.clone.get('position').y });

        if(celltoAdd.attributes.position.x > - 50){
        _this.action = 'nodeAdded';
like image 320
Gabriel Burciu Avatar asked Jan 06 '14 13:01

Gabriel Burciu

1 Answers

add this code to your paper builder:

_this.paperDrag.on('element:pointerup', this.addNode , this);
_this.paperDrag.on('element:pointerdown', this.toolBoxPointerDown , this);

Some explanations: the joint.dia.ElementView has built in pointerdown and pointerup, the last code line of these two functions make notify like this:

this.notify('element:pointerdown', evt, x, y);

and your paper.on('element:pointerdown') is been executed after that notification has accrued.

like image 141
Shahar Shokrani Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Shahar Shokrani