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Joining tables without relation using JPA criteria

I have two tables with no modeled relation:

Table comm with columns:


Table persondesc with columns:


Relationship between the two tables is many to one (many comm to one persondesc):

com.code = persondesc.code

These two tables are mapped with annotations but I have no relation declared.

What I'm trying to is to select comm table ordered by persondesc.description.

How can I do this JPA and Hibernate?

like image 665
Idan Avatar asked Jun 04 '15 08:06


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1 Answers

So if your classes have no "relation", then you do a query like

WHERE a.someField = b.otherField
ORDER BY b.anotherField

Which can be achieved using JPA Criteria, something like

CriteriaBuilder cb = emf.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<A> query = cb.createQuery(A.class);
Root<A> aRoot = query.from(A.class);
Root<B> bRoot = query.from(B.class);

  .where(cb.equal(aRoot.get(A_.someField), bRoot.get(B_.otherField))

... Or just redesign your classes and do your developers a favour.

like image 68
Neil Stockton Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10

Neil Stockton