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Join strings with different last delimiter

Using stream.collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) I can easily join all the strings of my stream delimited by a comma. A possible result would be "a, b, c". But what if I want the last delimiter to be different. For example to be " and " such that I get "a, b and c" as result. Is there an easy solution?

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principal-ideal-domain Avatar asked Jan 22 '16 00:01


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2 Answers

If they are already in a list, no stream is needed; simply join a sublist of all but the last element and concat the other delimiter and the final element:

int last = list.size() - 1;
String joined = String.join(" and ",
                    String.join(", ", list.subList(0, last)),

Here's a version that does the above using Collectors.collectingAndThen:

    joiningLastDelimiter(", ", " and ")));

public static Function<List<String>, String> joiningLastDelimiter(
        String delimiter, String lastDelimiter) {
    return list -> {
                int last = list.size() - 1;
                if (last < 1) return String.join(delimiter, list);
                return String.join(lastDelimiter,
                    String.join(delimiter, list.subList(0, last)),

This version can also handle the case where the stream is empty or only has one value. Thanks to Holger and Andreas for their suggestions which greatly improved this solution.

I had suggested in a comment that the Oxford comma could be accomplished with this using ", " and ", and" as the delimiters, but that yields incorrect results of "a, and b" for two elements, so just for fun here's one that does Oxford commas correctly:


public static Function<List<String>, String> joiningOxfordComma() {
    return list -> {
                int last = list.size() - 1;
                if (last < 1) return String.join("", list);
                if (last == 1) return String.join(" and ", list);
                return String.join(", and ",
                    String.join(", ", list.subList(0, last)),
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David Conrad Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10

David Conrad

If you're fine with "a, b, and c", then it's possible to use mapLast method of my StreamEx library which extends standard Stream API with additional operations:

String result = StreamEx.of("a", "b", "c")
                        .mapLast("and "::concat)
                        .joining(", "); // "a, b, and c"

The mapLast method applies given mapping to the last stream element keeping others unchanged. I even have similar unit-test.

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Tagir Valeev Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

Tagir Valeev