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Jobs not deleting after completion with ttlSecondsAfterFinished



I have a service that deploys thousands of short lived jobs on Kubernetes each day. I am trying to get Kubernetes to delete these jobs after completion using the functionality described here:


The job completes, but the Job remains in the cluster after the time limit expressed in ttlSecondsAfterFinished.

I'm testing this on GKE and my master node is running 1.12.7-gke.25 I understand this is an alpha feature, but I haven't gotten a single Job to be deleted.

apiVersion: batch/v1 
kind: Job
  name: ttl-test
  ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 100
      name: ttl-test 
      - name: test-container
        image: myimage
like image 608
Brett Avatar asked Oct 07 '19 12:10


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To delete failed Jobs in GKE you will need to use following command: $ kubectl delete job $(kubectl get job -o=jsonpath='{. items[?(@. status.

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1 Answers

In Kubernetes v1.21 the TTL Controller is in beta and enabled by default.

Until Kubernetes v1.20 it was an alpha feature. If you want to use it with a Kubernetes version older than v1.21, make sure alpha features are enabled on your GKE cluster. You can check this on the GCP console UI under Clusters / <your_cluster> / Details / Kubernetes alpha features.

like image 99
gnvk Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 21:01
