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JMS Messaging Performance: Lots of Topics/Queues vs. Extensive Filtering (Message Selectors)


I'm working on a project that is going to make heavy use of JBoss Messaging (JMS). I'm tasked with building an easy to use wrapper around Messaging for other developers and am thinking about using JMS's Message Selectors to provide a filtering technique to keep unnecessary sending of messages to a minimum. I'm curious if anyone has any experience with doing so in regards to performance? My fear is that the JMS provider may get bogged down with the Message Selectors, effectively defeating the whole purpose. It would be much nicer however than creating a long list of Topics/Queues for every message type.

Ultimately I'll undoubtedly end up using some combination of the two, but am concerned with the impact on performance whichever way I lean more towards.

like image 902
James Avatar asked Feb 25 '09 21:02


People also ask

What is the difference between JMS queue and Topic?

In queue, you only have one receiver or consumer; unlike in topic where in you can have your message be disseminated to a number of subscribers. Also, in topic, the publisher has to be continuously active for a subscriber to receive the messages. Otherwise the message will be reallocated.

How many types of messaging model do JMS provide for and what are they?

JMS supports two types of messaging models (also referred to as domain models) that are common in the messaging world: Point-to-Point (P2P) and Publish/Subscribe (pub/sub). Not all messaging middleware supports both models, and the JMS 1.02 specification doesn't require the JMS provider to support both models.

2 Answers

As Martin mentioned, by default most JMS implementations will process message selectors on the client, unless they are part of a durable subscription, when most JMS implementations will process them on the server as well to avoid too many messages getting persisted when there's a significant reduction in the number of messages that get past the selector. Some systems (like SonicMQ) allow you to specify that message selectors should be processed on the server, which is a good option in a case where you have excess CPU available on your message brokers but not on your consumers.

Bear in mind that while topic-based selection is usually faster, it can be quite cumbersome, because if you want to listen to 5 different things, you have to have 5 different MessageConsumers. Each of those in a naive driver implementation is a different thread, and that can start to add up. For that reason, it is often useful to support both from publication so that some clients can listen only to the topics that they want, and others can listen to the topic hierarchies they want (e.g. foo.#) with message selectors (or code-based selectors).

However, you should always test against your application and your broker. Every broker handles the situation differently, and every application functions differently. You can't just say "always use technique X" because each technique for client-directed message processing has different tradeoffs. Benchmark, benchmark, benchmark.

One thing to bear in mind with message selectors is that they aren't dynamically changeable, so you have the possibility of losing messages or having to manually manage a complicated switchover scenario. Imagine the following use case:

  1. You are listening to a message selector of the form (Ticker in ('CSCO', 'MSFT'))
  2. User wants to start listening to AAPL
  3. You have to shut down the old MessageConsumer and start a new one with a selector in the form (Ticker in ('CSCO, 'MSFT', 'AAPL'))
  4. During the switchover, you either lose messages (because you shut down the old one before starting the new one) or you have to manually remove duplicates (because you have the new one started before the old one)
like image 64
Kirk Wylie Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Kirk Wylie

My two cents:

I asked myself exactly the same question concerning ActiveMQ.

  • First, I did not use selectors and created lots of topics. Performance was horrible as the broker could not handle 100's of topics without a lot of resources.
  • then I used a combination of topics/selectors. I now have a small number of topics. The selection works well. But the load is not very heavy, no more than 10 msg/s

I did develop an abstraction layer, allowing the developers to code without asking questions, and we did tests by switching the implementations.

like image 37
Laurent K Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Laurent K