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JMESPath - parse raw string as object



I have an object that I am parsing using JMESPath where the value of a property is a JSON object encoded as a string. I want to be able to parse that string property as a JSON Object and work with it using JMESPath only (I'm aware I could parse the value using a JSON encoder).

Here is the object:

    "ARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:xxxxx:secret:todobackend/db/credentials-AP57Kn",
    "Name": "todobackend/db/credentials",
    "VersionId": "c95fae54-e7b4-4c7f-80d6-2c5649f86570",
    "SecretString": "{\"MYSQL_USER\":\"todobackend\",\"MYSQL_PASSWORD\":\"password\"}",
    "VersionStages": [
    "CreatedDate": 1523276277.046

So I want to parse the SecretString property as a JSON object.

Any ideas on whether or not this is possible?

like image 522
mixja Avatar asked Apr 14 '18 04:04


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Is JQ a JMESPath?

jq is typically used for the former, JMESPath for the latter. There's no reason why the remote service couldn't accept a jq filter, or that you couldn't use a JMESPath-based executable.

What does JMESPath stand for?

JMESPath (JSON Matching Expression paths) is a query language for search JSON documents.

1 Answers

jq will save you:

aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id todobackend/db/credentials-AP57K | jq -r '.SecretString|fromjson|.MYSQL_USER,.MYSQL_PASSWORD'
like image 66
Mike Patnode Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10

Mike Patnode