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JIRA opensource licence [closed]




I saw this on the licensing information section on the Jira website

JIRA is free for use by official non-profit organisations and charities (proof of     non-profit status is required). There are certain organisations whose purpose is to make the world a better place, and we believe in helping them achieve that.

Community licenses are designed for organisations which are:

    * non-profit,
    * non-government,
    * non-academic,
    * non-commercial,
    * non-political and
    * secular

What does the last bullet point actually mean? Does it mean that if you believe in God you cant have a free license for a bug tracking software product?

like image 608
ziggy Avatar asked Dec 28 '22 04:12


1 Answers

I would imagine that you as an individual may believe in God(s), but the organisation itself should not be a religious organisation.

like image 194
Richard Fawcett Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 11:01

Richard Fawcett