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JFrame resizable height ONLY

JFrame.setResizable(true) lets the user resize both the width and height of a window. Does a method exist which allows the user to ONLY resize the height?


Edit: The solutions below do NOT seem to work. On a 360x600 JFrame,

setMaximizedBounds(new java.awt.Rectangle(0, 0, 360, 1200));
setMaximumSize(new java.awt.Dimension(360, 1200));
setMinimumSize(new java.awt.Dimension(360, 600));
setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(360, 600));

Still allows fully stretching the width of the JFrame, and setting setResizable(false) allows nothing to be stretched.

like image 764
brian_d Avatar asked Sep 07 '10 22:09


People also ask

How do I change the size of a JFrame?

Change window Size of a JFrame To resize a frame, There is a method JFrame. setSize(int width, int height) which takes two parameters width and height.

How do I stop JFrame from resizing?

Making a Frame Non-Resizable: use setResizable(false) to freeze a frame's size. : JFrame Window « Swing « Java Tutorial.

How do I resize a JFrame in eclipse?

In your JFrame class (in this case you must make it a child class of JFrame to add your own method), define a repaintElements(int w, int h) method, taking the new height and new width as arguments. In repaintElements(int x, int y) , implement your logic to change the location and size of every element.

What is resizable in Java?

The Resizable class represents the component that is being resized and moved on the window. private void resize() { if (getParent() != null) { getParent().revalidate(); } } The resize() method is called after we have resized the component. The revalidate() method causes the component to be redrawn.

2 Answers

The code below does the job right.

addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() {

    public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
        setSize(new Dimension(preferredWidth, getHeight()));

like image 184
Haozhun Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 09:10


If you have experience with JNI, then this is a possible solution.

In Windows and Oracle Hotspot, this code will allow a window to be resized between minimum and maximum dimensions without flickering or causing any of the nasty JFrame-post-resize side-effects. If this code is called once the JFrame is created and made visible, then the code used above in componentResized() to catch resize events can be completely done away with, as Windows has facilities to keep the user from being able to resize above or below the specified min/max sizes.

// Java code:

static {
    if (System.getProperty("sun.arch.data.model").equals("32"))
    {   // 32-bit JVM
        System.out.println("Running 32-bit JVM");

    } else {
        // 64-bit JVM
        System.out.println("Running 64-bit JVM");
// Sets a window to never be resized above or below these minimum widths/heights
public static native int setMinMaxResizeBoundaries(int hwnd, int minWidth, int minHeight, int maxWidth, int maxHeight);

// C++ code (include standard windows.h, winbase.h, etc)

// Global variables defined in DllMain.cpp
// Used for setMinMaxResizeBoundaries()
struct SHwndMinMax
    HWND    hwnd;
    int     minWidth;
    int     minHeight;
    int     maxWidth;
    int     maxHeight;
    WNDPROC prefWndProc;
SHwndMinMax gsHwndMinMax[2048];
int gsHwndMinMaxCount = 0;
LRESULT CALLBACK MinMaxWindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);

// Code added somwhere:
// setMinMaxResizeBoundaries()
// Sets the resize boundary window sizes, so the window will not be resized above/below that size
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_your_class_here_setMinMaxResizeBoundaries(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls,
    jint hwnd,
    jint minWidth, jint minHeight,
    jint maxWidth, jint maxHeight)
    // We create a hook for the window, and intercept the WM_GETMINMAXINFO message occurs, and update the info
    if (IsWindow((HWND)hwnd))
    {   // Let's add it
        if (gsHwndMinMaxCount < 2048)
        {   // We're good
            // Can add code here to check if this option is valid or not--so it can later be "unhooked" by a separate function call
            gsHwndMinMax[gsHwndMinMaxCount].hwnd        = (HWND)hwnd;
            gsHwndMinMax[gsHwndMinMaxCount].minWidth    = minWidth;
            gsHwndMinMax[gsHwndMinMaxCount].minHeight   = minHeight;
            gsHwndMinMax[gsHwndMinMaxCount].maxWidth    = maxWidth;
            gsHwndMinMax[gsHwndMinMaxCount].maxHeight   = maxHeight;
            gsHwndMinMax[gsHwndMinMaxCount].prefWndProc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr((HWND)hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)&MinMaxWindowProc);
            // Success

        } else {
            // Failuire, too many hooks

    } else {
        // Failure, HWND is not valid

LRESULT CALLBACK MinMaxWindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    int i;
    MINMAXINFO* mmi;

    for (i = 0; i < gsHwndMinMaxCount; i++)
        if (hwnd == gsHwndMinMax[i].hwnd)
        {   // This is our man, see if it's our message
            if (msg == WM_GETMINMAXINFO)
            {   // It is
                // When maximized, window is at upper-left
                mmi = (MINMAXINFO*)lParam;
                mmi->ptMaxSize.x        = gsHwndMinMax[i].maxWidth;
                mmi->ptMaxSize.y        = gsHwndMinMax[i].maxHeight;
                mmi->ptMaxPosition.x    = 0;  // Can add code here to properly position the window centered in the screen, etc.
                mmi->ptMaxPosition.y    = 0;  // Same here
                // Set the minimum and maximum tracking size (when the user is resizing, what's the smallest and biggest window they see)
                mmi->ptMinTrackSize.x   = gsHwndMinMax[i].minWidth;
                mmi->ptMinTrackSize.y   = gsHwndMinMax[i].minHeight;
                mmi->ptMaxTrackSize.x   = gsHwndMinMax[i].maxWidth;
                mmi->ptMaxTrackSize.y   = gsHwndMinMax[i].maxHeight;
                return(DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam));

            } else {
                // Nope, pass it on
                return(CallWindowProc(gsHwndMinMax[i].prefWndProc, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam));

// The following is code to get the HWND accurately:

// Java Code (add to Java code above)

// Returns the HWND for the specified component, or -1 if does not exist
public static native int getComponentHWND(Component c);

// Code in C++

// getComponentHWND()
// Called to return the HWND of the component, if it has one.
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_your_class_here_getComponentHWND(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jobject obj)
    HWND hWnd = 0;
    typedef jboolean (JNICALL *PJAWT_GETAWT)(JNIEnv*, JAWT*);
    JAWT awt;
    JAWT_DrawingSurface* ds;
    JAWT_DrawingSurfaceInfo* dsi;
    JAWT_Win32DrawingSurfaceInfo* dsi_win;
    jboolean result;
    jint lock;
    HMODULE _hAWT = 0;

    // Load AWT Library
    if (!_hAWT)
        _hAWT = LoadLibrary(L"jawt.dll");   // for Java 1.4+

    if (!_hAWT)
        _hAWT = LoadLibrary(L"awt.dll");    // for Java 1.3

    if (_hAWT)
        if (JAWT_GetAWT)
            awt.version = JAWT_VERSION_1_4;     // Init here with JAWT_VERSION_1_3 or JAWT_VERSION_1_4
            // Get AWT API Interface
            result = JAWT_GetAWT(env, &awt);
            if (result != JNI_FALSE)
                ds = awt.GetDrawingSurface(env, obj);
                if (ds != NULL)
                    lock = ds->Lock(ds);
                    if ((lock & JAWT_LOCK_ERROR) == 0)
                        dsi = ds->GetDrawingSurfaceInfo(ds);
                        if (dsi)
                            dsi_win = (JAWT_Win32DrawingSurfaceInfo*)dsi->platformInfo;
                            if (dsi_win)
                                hWnd = dsi_win->hwnd;
                                hWnd = (HWND) -1;   // Failed to obtain the handle (not running on Windows)


                        } else {
                            hWnd = (HWND)-2;    // Failed to get the drawing surface info block

                    } else {
                        hWnd = (HWND)-3;    // Failed to lock the drawing surface to obtain information about it

                } else {
                    hWnd = (HWND)-4;    // Failed to get the drawing surface from the compoment
            } else {
                hWnd = (HWND)-5;    // Failed to obtain a proper result from _JAWT_GetAWT()
        } else {
            hWnd = (HWND)-6;    // Failed to find "_JAWT_GetAWT()" function
    } else {
        hWnd = (HWND)-7;    // Failed to load awt.dll
    return (jint)hWnd;
like image 39
Rick Hodgin Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 10:10

Rick Hodgin