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Jest react testing: Check state after delay

I'm really confused trying to create test with the help of Jest documentation https://facebook.github.io/jest/docs/timer-mocks.html#content

I'm trying to check a state when container mounts and then few seconds later, after I have manually set values in the state (using setTimeout()).

I have a function inside Main's componentDidMount like this:

componentDidMount() {     this.setStateAfterDelay(); } 

And what the function does is:

setStateAfterDelay = () => {     setTimeout(() => {         this.setState({ fruits: ['banana', 'apple', 'orange', 'vodka', 'kiwi'] });     }, 1500); } 

I achieved the first part with:

const component = mount(<Main />); expect(component.state().fruits).toEqual(null); 

But I have no clue how to check the state again after, lets say 2000ms?

Any help is appreciated :)

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Jack M. Avatar asked Aug 03 '17 08:08

Jack M.

2 Answers

while jest can run async code easily, you can use promise and setTimeout combination to wait a bit. For example this code will wait for 2 seconds:

await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 2000)); 

Full sample test. Don't forget to add async flag before the callback function:

test('some test title', async () => {   const foo = true;   await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 2000));   expect(foo).toBeDefined(); }); 

Also, keep in mind that default "timeout" is 5 seconds (5000ms). If your test may run longer, you can add jest.setTimeout(30000); above the test(). 30000 will make sure to not timeout for 30 seconds. You can add any number you need. Full example with setTimeout:

jest.setTimeout(30000);  test('some test title', async () => {   const foo = true;   await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 2000));   expect(foo).toBeDefined(); }); 
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Lukas Liesis Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09

Lukas Liesis

I haven't really tested this code. But, something similar to this should work I think.

const fruits = ['banana', 'apple', 'orange', 'vodka', 'kiwi'];  it('mock setTimeout test', () => {  jest.useFakeTimers();  setTimeout(() => {    expect(component.state().fruits).toEqual(fruits);  }, 1500);  jest.runAllTimers(); }); 
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Dinesh Ramasamy Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09

Dinesh Ramasamy