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Jest Folder Structure


I'm currently employing the use of Jest in my CRA application. I see that CRA opted for the use of filename.test.js format when writing tests but I find this approach a bit cumbersome on the eyes and brain. I found out that you can write tests in a folder named __tests__ and jest will automatically run the tests in that folder. I like this approach. My question now is, what is the standard when using this setup? Usually, my src folder is set up as such:

src └── components     ├── some1ComponentDir     └── some2ComponentDir   

Do I create a __tests__ folder at each level or do I mock the structure of my src folder inside of my __tests__ folder located inside the src folder?

If you think this is a silly question, please just ignore it and move on. Thanks for any help.

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Dowen Robinson Avatar asked Jun 18 '20 05:06

Dowen Robinson

People also ask

Where are Jest test files stored?

src/file. test. js mentioned first in the Getting Started docs, and is great for keeping tests (especially unit) easy to find next to source files.

What is the best folder structure for React?

The simplest folder structure for this case seems to be the “group files by their types” option mentioned in the React docs. This makes our lives easy: Components go in the components folder, hooks in the hooks folder, and contexts in the contexts folder.

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1 Answers

The conventions for Jest, in order of best to worst in my opinion:

  1. src/file.test.js mentioned first in the Getting Started docs, and is great for keeping tests (especially unit) easy to find next to source files
  2. src/__tests__/file.test.js lets you have multiple __tests__ directories so tests are still near original files without cluttering the same directories
  3. __tests__/file.test.js more like older test frameworks that put all the tests in a separate directory; while Jest does support it, it's not as easy to keep tests organized and discoverable

Since you don't want 1, it sounds like 2 is your best option.

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Nick McCurdy Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09

Nick McCurdy