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jersey2 Unit testing,HttpServletRequest is null





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jersey Bug connection: [1]: https://java.net/jira/browse/JERSEY-2412

The servlet request, response and context not injected into the class when I using test provider (tested jetty and grizzly2). I using packages annotation to pull up the application.

Do you have any other way?

 public class VMResourceTest extends BaseTest {  

    public void testCreateVm() {  

    String bodyData = loadClassPathData(CLASS_PATH+File.separator+"tools"+File.separator+"createVm.json");  
        Response response = target("/tool/cloud/vrm/fm/ghca_vms").queryParam("platform_id", "A22A4B0C3AEC49F5916EA8CC01F56E9A")  
                    .request().header("X-Auth-GHCA-User-ID", "X-Auth-GHCA-User-ID")  
                    .post(Entity.entity(bodyData, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));  
        assertEquals("200", response.getStatus());  

    public class BaseTest extends JerseyTest{  
       public String CLASS_PATH = "classpath:";  
       public WebTarget target;  
       public Client client;  

      protected Application configure() {  
        ResourceConfig rc = new    ResourceConfig().packages("com.ghca.easyview.server.api.resource");  

        rc.property("contextConfigLocation", "classpath:spring/spring-config.xml");  
        return rc;  

        public String loadClassPathData(String classFilePath){  
           File schemaContextFile = null;  
           String result = "";  
        try {  
            schemaContextFile = readSchemaFile(classFilePath);  
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new  FileReader(schemaContextFile));
            String s = null;  
            while((s = br.readLine())!=null){ 
                result = result + "\n" +s;  
        } catch (IOException e) {  
        return result;  

    public class VMResource extends BaseResource{  

    private VMService vmService;  

    public HttpServletRequest request;  
    public HttpServletResponse response;  

    public Response createVm(@PathParam("platform_type") String platformType,  
            @QueryParam("platform_id") String platformId) {}  

request and response is null.

like image 568
jack Avatar asked Feb 11 '23 13:02


1 Answers

You need to configure the JerseyTest for a Servlet environment. In your JerseyTest, you should have something like

protected TestContainerFactory getTestContainerFactory() {
    return new GrizzlyWebTestContainerFactory();

protected DeploymentContext configureDeployment() {
    ResourceConfig config = new ResourceConfig(SessionResource.class);
    return ServletDeploymentContext.forServlet(
                             new ServletContainer(config)).build();

If you look at the ServletDeploymentContext.forServlet, it returns a ServletDeploymentContext.Builder. If you look at the Javadoc, you will see some familiar looking methods, like initParam(...,...), addListener, etc. This is just like building your web.xml programmatically. Just keep chaining methods, then build.

With the above configuration, you no longer need to override the configure method in the JerseyTest. Just add the ResourceConfig like seen above.

See other test examples here

Also See related:

  • How to in-memory unit test Spring-Jersey
like image 198
Paul Samsotha Avatar answered Feb 13 '23 04:02

Paul Samsotha