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Jersey - The @Context annotation for injection. How does it work?





I was looking at a good REST tutorial using Jersey. Down the page, there is a web resource that is built which is entitled TodoResource which itself contains two instance variables

public class TodoResource {     @Context     UriInfo uriInfo;      @Context     Request request;      String id;      public TodoResource(UriInfo uriInfo, Request request, String id) {         this.uriInfo = uriInfo;         this.request = request;         this.id = id;     } } 

I was wondering exactly how the UriInfo and Request instance variables are initialized? I know that using the @Context annotation allows for information to be injected, but at what point does this happen? Will this be handled automatically by Jersey?

like image 965
Joeblackdev Avatar asked May 26 '11 14:05


People also ask

What is the use of @context annotation?

The @Context annotation allows you to inject request/response context details into JAX-RS provider and resource classes. Injection can be performed into a class field, a bean property or a method parameter.

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The purpose is to indicate that the request property should be set from the context. @Context is used to inject various HTTP-ish contextual data, from here: In general @Context can be used to obtain contextual Java types related to the request or response.

What is @context annotation in rest?

The JAX-RS API provides a @Context annotation. In general, such annotation can be used to obtain contextual Java types related to the request or response. Those types can be injected into classes managed by the JAX-RS runtime.

What is Jersey inject?

Example of a Jersey project using the dependency injection framework HK2 to inject logged user into the application via a custum annotation. Jersey is a Java Framework that is commonly used to help generate REST Api.

2 Answers

Jersey doesn't modify the class, but it creates it on every request from the client.

After the class constructor was invoked, the context fields are injected.
(Should you try to access those fields inside the constructor, they will be null)

In your case, the class wouldn't need a specific constructor, so just:

public TodoResource () {     // in most cases the ctor stays empty.     // don't do much work here, remember: the ctor is invoked at every client request } 

But inside methods (which represent web-resources) annotated with @POST, @GET, ... you would have access to context fields.

like image 41
java.is.for.desktop.indeed Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 18:09


I've run into some interesting results with the Rules of Injection, here's what I've found:

public class TodoResource{   @Context   UriInfo uriInfo; // Set second   public TodoResource(@Context UriInfo value){     uriInfo = value; // Set first (makes sense)   }   @Context   public void setUriInfo(UriInfo value){     uriInfo = value; // Set third   } } 

I hope this helps.

like image 120
Mike Summers Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 18:09

Mike Summers