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Jenkins pipeline multiline shell with escape character

I'm running into a weird issues with a pipeline script. I have a multi line sh blob like

sh """
   git tag -fa \\"${version}\\" -m \\"Release of ${version}\\"

And this somehow runs as:

+ git tag -fa '"1.0-16-959069f'
error: Terminal is dumb, but EDITOR unset
Please supply the message using either -m or -F option.

So its dropping the -m and message. I've tried single escapes, double escapes, nothing seems to work.

like image 858
devshorts Avatar asked Dec 15 '16 21:12


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1 Answers

I have no idea why this worked but this did

def tagGithub(String version) {
    def exec = """
    git tag -d ${version} || true
    git push origin :refs/tags/${version}

    # tag new version
    git tag -fa ${version} -m "Release of ${version}"
    git push origin --tags

    sh exec

Something with the inline jenkins groovy interpolation seems busted, doing the interpolation in another var and then executing it worked

like image 153
devshorts Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
