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Jenkins email artifact for each build

I am using Jenkins to build my Android Applications. Once the artifact has been created i want the apk to be email to a set of users. I am already aware of Testflight etc but i just need Jenkins to email the signed apk to a set of users. How can i do this ?

Kind Regards

like image 582
AndroidDev Avatar asked Sep 17 '13 12:09


People also ask

How do I send an email notification from Jenkins pipeline?

Configuring Email Extended To send email, the plugin needs the smtp configured. Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System > search for “Extended E-mail Notification”. Configure the smtp. Example: My configuration with gmail smtp.

Where are Jenkins build artifacts stored?

By default, Jenkins archives artifacts generated by the build. These artifacts are stored in the JENKINS_HOME directory with all other elements such as job configuration files.

1 Answers

I did the exact same thing,
So first install the Email Extension Plugin for jenkins
then configure the job, add post-build action --> Editable email notification
fill the Project Recipient List etc..
and there's the Attachments section where you can type the relative address of the apk file (the base directory is the workspace's root directory)

And finally you have to setup the trigger (add trigger) and choose the success 'cos you dont have the apk at the specified path if the build was unsuccessful.

like image 194
Stumi Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 20:10
