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Jekyll seems to have stopped processing pages

I've been using Jekyll (with the auto option set to true, so it auto builds to the _site folder) on a site for a few weeks, and everything has been working fine.

The posts were in a structure like this


and so jekyll built them out into the _site folder and the results looked like this:


Recently the folder structure of the site had to change, to duplicate the existing content out into 4 regions, which has quadrupled the number of posts on the site.

So I updated the structure and the posts are now in a subfolders like this:


so jekyll builds them out into the _site folder which should result in:


this worked at first, but as I've added more regions, jekyll seems to stop processing the files, and I can't seem to figure out why.

Becuase I've inherited this site off someone else, it is using the yyyy-mm-dd in the filename structure in a bit of a hacky way, to get the pages to appear in the 'order' they are meant to. I'm wondering if this might have anything to do with it.

The dates on my posts range from 0000-01-01 to 0039-10-10 - so they're not really being used as actual dates, but I wouldn't have thought this would affect jekyll processing them.

So my thoughts are:

1) Does jekyll have any sort of maximum page/post limits? I have 11 posts x 9 languages x 4 regions = 396 posts

2) Would the fact that there are over 30 'years' between posts cause any problems?

Any help much appreciated, I'm more of a front end kinda guy...


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iamalismith Avatar asked Jan 12 '12 21:01


1 Answers

This is likely an error message (syntax or otherwise) being masked by jekyll. When jekyll is in auto mode, it sometimes doesn't show them. Try removing the generated folder (by default on _site/ and running jekyll with the --no-auto parameter:

rm -rf _site
jekyll --no-auto

If there are errors, this should show them.

like image 174
kikito Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 19:11
