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Jekyll on Github pages not displaying images and has broken links

I'm trying to host my Jekyll blog on Github pages. The blog is currently live here.

As you can see, the images are missing + when you click on the blogposts, it shows 404. How to fix this? Here's the link to my public blog repo, and here's my _config.yml file:

# Build settings
markdown: redcarpet
highlighter: pygments

# Site settings
title: "Sam Yonski"
description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "email:"
Reading and writing...
email: [email protected]

#blog logo
logo: "/assets/images/sam_yonski_logo.png"

# blog cover
cover: "/assets/images/cA4aKEIPQrerBnp1yGHv_IMG_9534-3-2.jpg"

name: 'Sam Yonski'
author: 'Sam Yonski'
author_image: "/assets/images/author.jpg"
paginate:   5

url: "https://ofcan.github.io" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
baseurl: "/sam_yonski"
like image 301
oFca Avatar asked Mar 02 '15 22:03


People also ask

How does Jekyll work with GitHub Pages?

Jekyll is a static site generator with built-in support for GitHub Pages and a simplified build process. Jekyll takes Markdown and HTML files and creates a complete static website based on your choice of layouts. Jekyll supports Markdown and Liquid, a templating language that loads dynamic content on your site.

Can you use GitHub Pages without Jekyll?

If you publish your site from a source branch, GitHub Pages will use Jekyll to build your site by default. If you want to use a static site generator other than Jekyll, we recommend that you write a GitHub Actions to build and publish your site instead.

Does GitHub Pages support Markdown?

GitHub Pages supports two Markdown processors: kramdown and GitHub's own Markdown processor, which is used to render GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) throughout GitHub. For more information, see "About writing and formatting on GitHub."

1 Answers

In _config.yml set baseurl: /sam_yonski

and call you resources with :

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ site.baseurl }}/css/css.css">
<script src="{{ site.baseurl }}/js/scripts.js"></script>
<img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/path/to/img/toto.jpg">
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/linkto/">Link</a>

See Jekyll documentation here

like image 189
David Jacquel Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10

David Jacquel