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JDBI's @BindBean doesn't find named parameters in bean class during INSERT

I am consistently getting the following exception below when inserting values using JDBI's @BindBean into my Mysql database within Dropwizard. The problem seems to be that JDBI is unable to find the properties in the bean. I already isolated the issue into a separate project, but can't figure out where this is going wrong. I would be very grateful for some advice.

org.skife.jdbi.v2.exceptions.UnableToExecuteStatementException: Unable to execute, no named parameter matches "title" and no positional param for place 0 (which is 1 in the JDBC 'start at 1' scheme) has been set. [statement:"INSERT INTO `car_tbl`(`title`, `teaser`, `ext_description`, `create_date`, `teaser_image_url`, `teaser_image_color`) VALUES ( :title, :teaser, :extDescription, unix_timestamp(), :teaserImageUrl, :teaserImageColor)", located:"INSERT INTO `car_tbl`(`title`, `teaser`, `ext_description`, `create_date`, `teaser_image_url`, `teaser_image_color`) VALUES ( :title, :teaser, :extDescription, unix_timestamp(), :teaserImageUrl, :teaserImageColor)", rewritten:"/* CarDAO.createCar2 */ INSERT INTO `car_tbl`(`title`, `teaser`, `ext_description`, `create_date`, `teaser_image_url`, `teaser_image_color`) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, unix_timestamp(), ?, ?)", arguments:{ positional:{}, named:{class:class com.javaeeeee.dwstart.db.Car}, finder:[]}]

    at org.skife.jdbi.v2.ColonPrefixNamedParamStatementRewriter$MyRewrittenStatement.bind(ColonPrefixNamedParamStatementRewriter.java:158)
    at org.skife.jdbi.v2.SQLStatement.internalExecute(SQLStatement.java:1318)
    at org.skife.jdbi.v2.Update.executeAndReturnGeneratedKeys(Update.java:78)
    at org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.UpdateHandler$1.value(UpdateHandler.java:51)
    at org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.UpdateHandler.invoke(UpdateHandler.java:75)
    at org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.SqlObject.invoke(SqlObject.java:175)
    at org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.SqlObject$1.intercept(SqlObject.java:75)
    at org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.CloseInternalDoNotUseThisClass$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$8f365cd7.createCar2(<generated>)
    at com.javaeeeee.dwstart.db.TestDatabase.testCreatecar2(TestDatabase.java:60)

This is my value object

public class Car {
    public Long carId;
    public String title;
    public String teaser;
    public String teaserImageUrl;
    public String teaserImageColor;
    public String extDescription;
    public Long createDate;

And I have created the following DAO to make use of the @BindBean functionality as described in http://jdbi.org/sql_object_api_argument_binding/ - both methods for inserting fail.

package com.javaeeeee.dwstart.db.dao;

import com.javaeeeee.dwstart.db.Car;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.BindBean;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.GetGeneratedKeys;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.SqlUpdate;

public interface CarDAO {
    @SqlUpdate("INSERT INTO `car_tbl`(`title`, `teaser`, `ext_description`, " +
            "`create_date`, `teaser_image_url`, `teaser_image_color`) " +
            "VALUES ( :c.title, :c.teaser, :c.extDescription, unix_timestamp(), " +
            ":c.teaserImageUrl, :c.teaserImageColor)")
    Long createCar(@BindBean("c") Car car);

    @SqlUpdate("INSERT INTO `car_tbl`(`title`, `teaser`, `ext_description`, " +
            "`create_date`, `teaser_image_url`, `teaser_image_color`) " +
            "VALUES ( :title, :teaser, :extDescription, unix_timestamp(), " +
            ":teaserImageUrl, :teaserImageColor)")
    Long createCar2(@BindBean Car car);

And this is my table definition.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cardb`.`car_tbl` (
  `title` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '',
  `teaser` VARCHAR(2048) NULL COMMENT '',
  `ext_description` VARCHAR(4096) NULL COMMENT '',
  `create_date` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '',
  `teaser_image_url` VARCHAR(2048) NULL COMMENT '',
  `teaser_image_color` VARCHAR(8) NULL COMMENT '',
  PRIMARY KEY (`car_id`)  COMMENT '',
  INDEX `idx_create_date` USING BTREE (`create_date` ASC)  COMMENT '')
  ENGINE = InnoDB;

And I am using the following JUnit integration test to recreate the error:

public class TestDatabase {
    private DBI dbi;
    private Handle handle;
    private CarDAO carDAO;

    public void setUpDatabase() throws Exception {
        Environment environment = new Environment( "test-env", Jackson.newObjectMapper(), null, new MetricRegistry(), null );
        dbi = new DBIFactory().build( environment, getDataSourceFactory(), "cardb" );
        carDAO = dbi.onDemand(CarDAO.class);
        handle = dbi.open();

    protected DataSourceFactory getDataSourceFactory()
        DataSourceFactory dataSourceFactory = new DataSourceFactory();
        dataSourceFactory.setDriverClass( "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" );
        dataSourceFactory.setUrl( "jdbc:mysql://" );
        dataSourceFactory.setUser( "root" );
        dataSourceFactory.setPassword( "root" );
        return dataSourceFactory;

    public void testCreatecar(){
        Car car = new Car("Test car","Test car teaser","http://localhost:8080/","#ff0000","car test description");
        Long carId = carDAO.createCar(car);

    public void testCreatecar2(){
        Car car = new Car("Test car","Test car teaser","http://localhost:8080/","#ff0000","car test description");
        Long carId = carDAO.createCar2(car);

I am using Java 1.8.0_05, Dropwizard 0.9.2 and MySQL 5.7.9.

like image 748
keyboardsamurai Avatar asked Mar 06 '16 06:03


2 Answers

BindBean claims to work with JavaBeans. JavaBeans require getter and setters.

Please add getters and setters to your Car class.

like image 54
ahus1 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09


I had a problem of:

    UnableToCreateStatementException, message: Missing named parameter 'isFavorite'.

That was because my getter was just:

    public boolean isFavorite() {
            return this.isFavorite

Then I changed it to getIsFavorite() and it worked. Note that this getter must be public.

like image 26
Juliano Suman Curti Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09

Juliano Suman Curti