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javax.servlet.ServletException cannot be resolved to a type in spring web app [duplicate]

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What is javax servlet Servletexception?

javax.servlet Constructs a new servlet exception when the servlet needs to throw an exception and include a message about the "root cause" exception that interfered with its normal operation, including a description message.

What JAR files are required for servlets?

You need Servlet-api. jar to compile servlets in eclipse but while deploying servlet container ( like tomcat ) will have it built in.

Where do I put servlet-API in eclipse?

For adding a jar file, right click on your project -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path -> click on Libraries tab in Java Build Path -> click on Add External JARs button -> select the servlet-api. jar file under tomcat/lib -> ok. Now servlet has been created, Let's write the first servlet code.

I guess this may work, in Eclipse select your project → then click on project menu bar on top → goto to properties → click on Targeted Runtimes → now you must select a check box next to the server you are using to run current project → click Apply → then click OK button. That's it, give a try.

It seems to me that eclipse doesn't recognize the java ee web api (servlets, el, and so on). If you're using maven and don't want to configure eclipse with a specified server runtime, put the dependecy below in your web project pom:

    <version>7.0</version> <!-- Put here the version of your Java EE app, in my case 7.0 -->

import javax.servlet


Go to properties of your project ( with Alt+Enter or righ-click )


check on Apache Tomcat v7.0 under Targeted Runtime and it works.

source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9287149

Add the server(tomcat) from Right click on the Project and select the "Properties" go to "Project Factes" "Runtime tab" other wise "Target Runtime"

if it is maven pom.xml issue, try added this to the pom.xml


it will solve the issue.