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JavaScript: Why []+(-~{}-~{}-~{}-~{})+(-~{}-~{}); returns "42"



Saw this in my newsletter. Tested on Chrome and Firefox. I still can't figured it out.

[]+(-~{}-~{}-~{}-~{})+(-~{}-~{});    //=>  "42"
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geckob Avatar asked Jun 11 '15 20:06


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2 Answers



is evaluated using the internal function:


which gives -1.

Ref ECMA spec - http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-9.5 and this explanation - http://jibbering.com/faq/notes/type-conversion/#tcToInt32

Therefore, in this case

(-~{}-~{}) == 2
(-~{}-~{}-~{}-~{}) == 4

As you have []+ in the start of expression, javascript use plus operands like string. So you have "" + "4" + "2" = "42"

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user3272018 Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 19:09


The ~ operator is a Bitwise NOT operator. It returns the "1's complement" of a number. Because of that {} is converted into a number, resulting in NaN. The same would happen with +{} == NaN. The bitwise not of ~NaN == -1. So:
(-~{}-~{}-~{}-~{}) == 4 & (-~{}-~{}) == 2

The DefaultValue for an empty array is an empty string. For example []==[]+[] && []+[]==''

From that, the full parsing is: []+ /*converted to ''+*/ (-~{}-~{}-~{}-~{}) /*Equals numeric 4, but concatenated as a string to become '4'*/ + (-~{}-~{}) /*Equals numeric 2, but concatenated as a string to become '2'*/ and the end result is actually '42'.

You can validate this via typeof([]+(-~{}-~{}-~{}-~{})+(-~{}-~{})) === 'string'

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Amit Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09
