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Javascript variable scope and value

var namepace = (function () {

    var loca = 5;

    var getLocal = function () {
        loca += 1;
        return loca;

    return {
        glob: getLocal,
        blog: loca,
        frog: function () {
            return loca;


My question is why does the function alert(namepace.blog); return 5 rather than 6 as I would expect?

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Russ Avatar asked May 16 '15 05:05


People also ask

What are the scope of a variable in JavaScript?

JavaScript variables have only two scopes. Global Variables − A global variable has global scope which means it can be defined anywhere in your JavaScript code. Local Variables − A local variable will be visible only within a function where it is defined. Function parameters are always local to that function.

What is variable and value in JavaScript?

Variable means anything that can vary. In JavaScript, a variable stores the data value that can be changed later on. Use the reserved keyword var to declare a variable in JavaScript.

Is VAR function scoped?

The main difference between keywords var and let is that variables declared using let are block-scoped, while var is function scoped.

What is the default scope of variable in JavaScript?

The Javascript global scope is the context where everything in a Javascript program executes by default. This scope includes all variables, objects, and references that are not contained within a customized scope defined by a programmer. Global scope is the entire Javascript execution environment.

2 Answers

Important thing to understand here is, all the names in JavaScript are references to other objects.

When you create an Object with Object literal, the left hand side names are used to refer the objects already referred by the right hand side names.

In this case, when you do

    blog: loca,

you are saying blog to refer the value referred by loca, which is 5. Later on when you increment loca, it becomes 6, it means it refers to some other value, but blog still refers to the value 5.

That is why you are getting 5.

But when you do


you are getting the current value referred by loca. Since it is assigned 6 in getLocal, you are getting 6.

Incrementation creates new number object

To make it even more clear, when you do

loca += 1;



what internally happens is, something like this

oldValue = loca
newValue = oldValue + 1
loca = newValue

Reference from ECMAScript 5.1 Specification, for += and for ++

Since numbers are immutable objects (can you change the value of 5? You cannot, that is why it is called an immutable object), a new number object is created with one added to it and the name loca is made to refer the new object.

Mutable Objects

If you think about mutable objects,

var namepace = (function () {

    var loca = [];

    return {
        glob: function () {
            return loca;
        blog: loca,
        frog: function () {
            return loca;

// [ 1 ]
// [ 1 ]
// [ 1 ]

Now, both blog and loca refer the same array object. What happens in glob is called mutating. You are just adding one element to the array object referred with two names blog and loca. That is why namepace.blog also prints [ 1 ].

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thefourtheye Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 11:11


its a logic problem. when function take some time. in that time variable assigned.. look below code. and try this

var namepace = (function () {

    var loca = 5;

    var getLocal = function () {
        loca += 1;
        return loca;

    return {
        glob: getLocal,
        blog: loca,
        frog: function () {
            return loca;

like image 26
Venkatesh TR Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 11:11

Venkatesh TR