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Javascript "this" scope giving different result depending on the way it is called


This is the code:

var Person = function (name) {

  this.name = name;

  this.printName = function(){
    console.log("My name is " + this.name);


var p = new Person("Steve");

var funcRef = p["printName"];


funcRef();//returns incorrect value

Find a working example here: http://plnkr.co/edit/57LS6oXPfqccAWf6uqQV?p=preview

My question is what's the difference between the last two? I'm accessing the object method in the same way, the only difference is the way it's being called.

Why does it return a difference result?

First time I have come across this in javascript. I understand it's in a difference scope but i don't know how it got decoupled from the object which is what I'd like to understand.



like image 670
Steven Yates Avatar asked Dec 14 '15 16:12

Steven Yates

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2 Answers

javascript bind the this keyword when you call the function on the object directly.

With test.fn(), this will be test inside fn. Same with test['fn'](). But if you do var fn = test.fn; fn(), this will be the global root (window in a browser) inside fn.

You can force the this inside a function like this : var fn = test.fn.bind(test);

More informations here : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/this

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Magus Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 05:10


Case1 : 'this' always takes the context of the object with respect to which its called.

In p.printName() the context is p therefore 'this' references the Person object that 'p' refers to.

Case2: But, when you direct 'funcRef' to p's method it loses this context and 'this' references the global object.

The global object can be different depending on your js environment (like the browser context or node and so on).

That is why you see different results.

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trk Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 07:10
