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Javascript - string.replace() text spanning multiple lines?

Let's say I have text (not html), that I'm pulling from a textarea. It looks like:



~~~~~~~~~~~~~ important stuff to keep ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ important stuff to keep ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ important stuff to keep ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 



~~~~~~~~~~~~~ important stuff to keep ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ important stuff to keep ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ important stuff to keep ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I'm trying to delete from ALTER to GO for each user. With replace(), I can replace from ALTER to DISABLE, but I can't quite figure out how to match all the way to GO (which is on the next line), so that it removes the whole chunk. Thoughts?

like image 615
mike Avatar asked May 04 '11 14:05


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1 Answers

. in a regex matches every character except \n. In some regex flavours, you can add the s flag to make it match them, but not in Javascript.

Instead, you can use the [\s\S] character class, which matches all whitespace and all non whitespace, which is everything. The ? after * means it won't be greedy, otherwise it will match between the first ALTER and the last GO.

str = str.replace(/ALTER[\s\S]*?GO/g, '');


like image 127
alex Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 19:10
