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javascript string compression with localStorage


I am using localStorage in a project, and it will need to store lots of data, mostly of type int, bool and string. I know that javascript strings are unicode, but when stored in localStorage, do they stay unicode? If so, is there a way I could compress the string to use all of the data in a unicode byte, or should i just use base64 and have less compression? All of the data will be stored as one large string.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, base64 wouldn't do much compression at all, the data is already in base 64, a-zA-Z0-9 ;: is 65 characters.

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invisible bob Avatar asked Jul 28 '11 20:07

invisible bob

2 Answers

You could encode to Base64 and then implement a simple lossless compression algorithm, such as run-length encoding or Golomb encoding. This shouldn't be too hard to do and might give you a bit of ompression.

Golomb encoding

I also found JsZip. I guess you could check the code and only use the algorithm, if it is compatible.

Hope this helps.


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Laurent Zuijdwijk Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10

Laurent Zuijdwijk

"when stored in localStorage, do they stay unicode?"

The Web Storage working draft defines local storage values as DOMString. DOMStrings are defined as sequences of 16-bit units using the UTF-16 encoding. So yes, they stay Unicode.

is there a way I could compress the string to use all of the data in a unicode byte...?

"Base32k" encoding should give you 15 bits per character. A base32k-type encoding takes advantage of the full 16 bits in UTF-16 characters, but loses a bit to avoid tripping on double-word characters. If your original data is base64 encoded, it only uses 6 bits per character. Encoding those 6 bits into base32k should compress it to 6/15 = 40% of its original size. See http://lists.xml.org/archives/xml-dev/200307/msg00505.html and http://lists.xml.org/archives/xml-dev/200307/msg00507.html.

For even further reduction in size, you can decode your base64 strings into their full 8-bit binary, compress them with some known compression algorithm (e.g. see javascript implementation of gzip), and then base32k encode the compressed output.

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Oren Trutner Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10

Oren Trutner