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Javascript: Seemingly valid code causing Uncaught Error: NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: DOM Exception 9 on line 3



var returned = values.make(function (value, index) {
    return items[index].value = value;

I have the above snippet.

Values is an array of values to be assigned to different elements.

Make is essentially the equivalent of Array.prototype.map.

Array.prototype.make = function (loop, playground) {
    var loop = loop || function (value) { return value },
        playground = playground || this;

    if (loop.Type !== "Function") throw "Loop [0] is not a function.";

    var returned = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
        returned[i] = loop.apply(playground, [this[i], i, this]);

    return returned;

Also, I have Function.prototype.Type = "Function"; in the same file, so it's not .Type throwing an error. .Type works perfectly.

Along with Function, these also have .Type's.

Object.prototype.Type = "Object";
Array.prototype.Type = "Array";
RegExp.prototype.Type = "RegExp";
String.prototype.Type = "String";
Number.prototype.Type = "Number";
Boolean.prototype.Type = "Boolean";
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.Type = "XMLHttpRequest";
Date.prototype.Type = "Date";

Items is the array of different elements.

[<input type="text" />, <input type="text" />, <input type="text" />]

I keep getting this error.

Uncaught Error: NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: DOM Exception 9 on line 3

I get that error and it doesn't make any sense, because there isn't any code on that line.

I'm at a total loss.

Does anyone notice anything wrong with that code?

Update: I don't know what happened, but I fixed it.

Since no one gave the correct answer, I'll just give it to the only guy who tried.

*clap clap clap*

like image 385
McKayla Avatar asked Oct 11 '22 07:10


1 Answers

Can you post a small example that reproduces this error?

Other than that, there are a few errors in your Javascript:

I added a semicolon here:

var loop = loop || function (value) { return value; },
   playground = playground || this;

Although semicolons are not necessary, I like to use them because otherwise you can be bitten by subtle errors.

And, you need to use typeof not .Type:

if (typeof loop !== "function") throw "Loop [0] is not a function.";

Also, if items is just an array of strings as you have, then items[index].value doesn't make sense, since strings don't have a value property. This part looks particularly suspicious to me. Although I didn't get the same error you did when I left that bit in, I think it would merit closer examination.

You mentioned that you're using a 3rd-party library so the part about typeof doesn't matter. You also mentioned that you were using actual input elements in your array so the second part doesn't matter either.

I tried out your code again, this time creating input elements with document.createElement:

Array.prototype.make = function (loop, playground) {
    var loop = loop || function (value) { return value; },
        playground = playground || this;

    if (typeof loop !== "function") throw "Loop [0] is not a function.";

    var returned = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
        returned[i] = loop.apply(playground, [this[i], i, this]);

    return returned;

var items = [];

var values = [4, 5, 6];

var returned = values.make(function (value, index) {
    return items[index].value = value;

console.log(items[0].value, items[1].value, items[2].value);

//firebug shows: 4 5 6

So it appears that your code is working by itself. Can you try this code out by itself on a fresh page? That way you can verify if it is something on the original page that is interacting with your code and causing this error.

like image 134
Vivin Paliath Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 10:10

Vivin Paliath