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Javascript regexp using val().match() method

I'm trying to validate a field named phone_number with this rules:

the first digit should be 3 then another 9 digits so in total 10 number example: 3216549874

or can be 7 numbers 1234567

here i have my code:

        if (!($("#" + val["htmlId"]).val().match(/^3\d{9}|\d{7}/)))
            missing = true;

Why doesnt work :( when i put that into an online regexp checker shows good.

like image 890
alexistkd Avatar asked Dec 22 '11 15:12


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1 Answers

You should be using test instead of match and here's the proper code:


Match will find all the occurrences, while test will only check to see if at least one is available (thus validating your number).

like image 74
alessioalex Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 22:10
