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javascript - read tab delimited file, line by line than split each line using tab delimited



I'm able to read a file line by line but I do not know how to split each lines using the tab delimited. here my code. Need some help on this issue

    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
        <title>Sum of a Column in JavaScript</title>

    <input type="file" name="file" id="file">

    <script type="text/javascript">

    document.getElementById('file').onchange = function(){

    var file = this.files[0];

    var reader = new FileReader();
    reader.onload = function(progressEvent){
    // Entire file

    // By lines
    var lines = this.result.split('\n');
    for(var line = 0; line < lines.length; line++){
        // By tabs
        var tabs = lines[line].split('\\t');
        for(var tab = 0; tab < tabs.length; tab++){    

like image 635
Jean-Marc Flamand Avatar asked Mar 08 '15 14:03

Jean-Marc Flamand

2 Answers

I found this useful, and replaced the for ... loops with the js .map() function. Also, I load data into arrays:

    // By lines
    var arr1 = [];
    var arr2 = [];
    var arr3 = [];
    var arr4 = [];
    var arr5 = []; // assuming 5 tabs
    var lines = this.result.split('\n');
      var tabs = item.split('\t');
      console.log("0",tabs[0], "1",tabs[1], "2",tabs[2],"3", tabs[3],"4", tabs[4], "5", tabs[5], "6", tabs[6]);
    // test two of the arrays after reading:
    for (var i = 0; i < mdarr.length; i++) {
      console.log(arr1[i], arr2[i]);
like image 146
Magnus Tvedt Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09

Magnus Tvedt

This can be done with a one liner. First split by new line then split by tab. The result is an 2d array where the first item is the header row.

const parsedString = tabbedString.split('\n').map((line) => line.split('\t'))


const tabbedString = `Prefix    Name    Last Name   Email   Phone   Age Role
    Jim Loco    [email protected]        32  Admin
Mrs.    Sara    Foo [email protected]   124389  44  Admin
Mr. John    Deer    [email protected]      37  Developer`

const parsedString = tabbedString.split('\n').map((line) => line.split('\t'))

    "Last Name",
    "[email protected]",
    "[email protected]",
    "[email protected]",

Note that stack overflow replaces tabs with 4 spaces so in the input string you will actually find 4 spaces and not a tab but in my original code they are indeed tabs.

like image 35
The Fool Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09

The Fool