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Javascript re-assign let variable with destructuring [duplicate]

In my React app I am using airbnb's eslint style guide which will throw an error if I do not use destructuing.

In the situation below, I first use let to assign the two variables latitude and longitude to the coordinates of the first item in an array of location objects. Then I try to use destructuring to re-assign their values if the user has given me access to their location.

let latitude = locations[0].coordinates[1]; let longitude = locations[0].coordinates[0];  if (props.userLocation.coords) {   // doesn't work - unexpected token   { latitude, longitude } = props.userLocation.coords;    // causes linting errors   // latitude = props.userLocation.coords.latitude;   // longitude = props.userLocation.coords.longitude; } 

Destructuring inside the if statement causes an unexpected token error.

Re-assigning the variables the old fashioned way causes an ESlint: Use object destructuring error.

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Phil Mok Avatar asked Feb 09 '18 21:02

Phil Mok

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1 Answers

 ({ latitude, longitude } = props.userLocation.coords); 

Destructuring needs to be either after a let, const or var declaration or it needs to be in an expression context to distinguish it from a block statement.

like image 138
Jonas Wilms Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09

Jonas Wilms