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javascript prototype and "this" access in closure

I am a beginner in js, and am puzzled by the following code:

Foo = function(arg) {
    this.arg = arg;

Foo.prototype = {
    init: function () {
        var f = function () {
            alert("current arg: " + this.arg); // am expecting "bar", got undefined

var yo = Foo("bar");

I was expected to get "current arg: bar", but got "current arg: undefined". I noticed that by copying this.arg into a "normal" variable first, and refering this variable in the closure works:

Foo.prototype = {
    init: function () {
        var yo = this.arg;
        var f = function () {
            alert("current arg: " + yo);            }

Am I doing something wrong, got wrong expectations, or does it fall into one of the js WTF ?

like image 736
David Cournapeau Avatar asked Nov 12 '10 05:11

David Cournapeau

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2 Answers

Vanilla functions will be run with this referring to window. Your second piece of code is a perfect example of how to work around this problem using closures.

(You can also use call and apply to call a function with a particular context.)

like image 180
theazureshadow Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09


It depends on how the function was invoked.

If invoked with keyword new then this refers to the object being constructed (which will be implicitly returned at the end of the function).

If invoked as a normal function, this refers to the global window object.


// Constructor for Foo,
// (invoke with keyword new!)
function Foo()
  this.name = "Foo" ;

myFoo = new Foo() ;
alert( 'myFoo ' + myFoo.name + '\n' + 'window: ' + window.name ) ; // window.name will be empty

// now if we invoke Foo() WITHOUT keyword NEW
// then all references to `this` inside the
// function Foo will be to the
// __global window object__, i.e. the global window
// object will get clobbered with new properties it shouldn't
// have! (.name!)

Foo() ;  // incorrect invokation style!
alert( 'myFoo ' + myFoo.name + '\n' + 'window: ' + window.name ) ;

JavaScript doesn't have "constructors" per se, the only way JavaScript knows that your function is actually a "constructor" is invokation style (namely you using keyword new whenever you invoke it)

like image 30
bobobobo Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
