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Javascript prototypal inheritance weirdness

I'm trying to work through some javascript inheritance examples and I hit a wall with this one:

function Animal(){}
Animal.prototype.type = "animal";
Animal.prototype.speak = function(){ console.log( "I'm a " + this.type + 
    ". I can't really talk ;)" ); }

function Dog(){}

function F(){}
F.prototype = Animal.prototype;

Dog.prototype = new F();
Dog.prototype.constructor = Dog;
Dog.prototype.type = "Dog";
Dog._super = Animal.prototype;
Dog.woof = function(){ console.log( "Woof!" ); _super.speak(); }

var rover = new Dog();

I am getting this and I have no idea why:

TypeError: Object #<Dog> has no method 'woof'

I know I can put the not-found method into the constructor function, but I am trying to do this with prototype modification. What am I doing wrong here?

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javamonkey79 Avatar asked Dec 16 '22 08:12


2 Answers


Dog._super = Animal.prototype;
Dog.woof = function(){ console.log( "Woof!" ); _super.speak(); }


// Dog.prototype._super = Animal.prototype; <- you can remove this line
Dog.prototype.woof = function(){ console.log( "Woof!" ); this.speak(); }
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NullUserException Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 17:01


The last string of the Dog pseudo-class definition is wrong. It should be

Dog.prototype.woof = function(){ console.log( "Woof!" ); Dog._super.speak.call(this); }
  1. You should define method woof as the property of the Dog's prototype.
  2. _super is available only as the property of the Dog constructor.
  3. You should call the methods of the parent class in context of the current instance.
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bjornd Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 17:01
