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javascript Map object vs Set object



JavaScript Map and Set objects are both iterable objects. Both store object by [key, value] pair. I want to know when to use what? Is there any preference one over another?

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Md Nazmoon Noor Avatar asked Jun 06 '14 15:06

Md Nazmoon Noor

People also ask

What is the difference between Map and set in JavaScript?

In Map() , key can be any type [String, number, Object] but in regular object key must be a string type. Set is one dimensional unique array, however Map is 2D and has key-value pair, where key shall be unique.

Which is better Map or Object in JavaScript?

An object behaves like a dictionary because JavaScript is dynamically typed, allowing you to add or remove properties at any time. But Map() is much better because it: Provides get , set , has , and delete methods. Accepts any type for the keys instead of just strings.

What's the difference between an Object JavaScript Object and a Map?

In Object, the data-type of the key-field is restricted to integer, strings, and symbols. Whereas in Map, the key-field can be of any data-type (integer, an array, even an object!) In the Map, the original order of elements is preserved.

Is JavaScript Map faster than Object?

Object is the great choice for scenarios when we only need simple structure to store data and knew that all the keys are either strings or integers (or Symbol), because creating plain Object and accessing Object's property with a specific key is much faster than creating a Map (literal vs constructor, direct vs get() ...

2 Answers

Provided you are talking about the ES6 types, they aren't the same data structure even though the Set might be implemented with a Map.

Your definition of Map is right, but a Set is a collection of unique values, unlike an array which can have duplicates.

var array = [1, 2, 3, 3];  var set = new Set(array); // Will have [1, 2, 3] assert(set.size, 3);  var map = new Map(); map.set('a', 1); map.set('b', 2); map.set('c', 3); map.set('C', 3); map.set('a', 4); // Has: a, 4; b, 2; c: 3, C: 3 assert(map.size, 4); 
like image 52
Daniel A. White Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 03:10

Daniel A. White


  • Use a Set when your dataset needs to be composed of unique values
  • Use a Map when you have pairs of associated data. You map the keys to the values

Example Set:

There is a meeting with people coming from different organizations. Some people come from the same organization. We need to compose a list all the different organzations. For this we can use a set since we only want to include every organization once:

const organization = new Set();    organization.add('org1');  organization.add('org2');  organization.add('org3');  organization.add('org1');  organization.add('org3');  organization.add('org1');    for(let org of organization){    console.log(org);  }

Example Map:

We have a pack of dogs and want to assign an age to each dog. We want to map the unique name of each dog to the age of the dog:

const dogs = new Map([['fluffy', 10], ['barkie', 13]]);    dogs.forEach((value, key) => console.log(key, value));

How is Map different from an Object?

An Object is also a collection of key value pairs and can fulfill often the same purpose as a Map can (which is creating key-value pairs). However, there are some key differences between a Map and an Object:

  • Map is built in Iterable, this allows it to use the for of loop or its implementation of the forEach() method which an plain JS Object cannot use.
  • Map has some nice built in methods on its prototype which makes working with it very nicely. Because al Objects inherit from Object.prototype is has access to more useful methods. For example, the size() method on Map returns the number of keys in the Map.
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Willem van der Veen Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 03:10

Willem van der Veen