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javascript, how can this function possibly return an empty array?


function whatTheHeck(obj){
  var arr = []

  for(o in obj){

  return arr

whatTheHeck({"one":1, "two": 2})

The concat function completely fails to do anything. But if I put a breakpoint on that line in Firebug and run the line as a watch it works fine. And the for loop iterates twice but in the end arr still equals [].

like image 490
Moss Avatar asked Nov 01 '11 05:11


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1 Answers

Array.concat creates a new array - it does not modify the original so your current code is actually doing nothing. It does not modify arr.

So, you need to change your function to this to see it actually work:

function whatTheHeck(obj){
  var arr = [];

  for(o in obj){
    arr = arr.concat(["what"]);

  return arr;

whatTheHeck({"one":1, "two": 2});

If you're trying to just add a single item onto the end of the array, .push() is a much better way:

function whatTheHeck(obj){
  var arr = [];

  for(o in obj){

  return arr;

whatTheHeck({"one":1, "two": 2});

This is one of the things I find a bit confusing about the Javascript array methods. Some modify the original array, some do not and there is no naming convention to know which do and which don't. You just have to read and learn which work which way.

like image 160
jfriend00 Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 14:11
